Run from him!
Run from him!
Couldn’t be more happier. It’s the Storm Troopers Tote Bag, Star Wars Cutout Stickers, and an Amazing Fortunes Card from Percolate Galactic, http://www.wearepercolate.com/. Find out more in http://pasarbizarre.com/
Selamat Hari Batik Nasional! Batiknya oleh-oleh dari @wangsitfirmantika.�
“It Follows” (2015)
Directed by David Robert Mitchell.
Starring Maika Monroe, Keil Gilchrist, Jake Weary, Lili Sepe, Daniel Zovatto, and Olivia Luccardi.
When I was in high school, it was a mandatory for the whole students to attend a sex education. They reminded us for not having sex before marriage or even if you do, should be protected. They even mentioned some venereal diseases that would be transmitted during sexual intercourse.
Now, this movie is definitely not about sex education, but watching this reminded me of that. However, it wasn’t a venereal disease that’s being transmitted, it was… a ‘thing’. A creepy thing.
Jay (Maika Monroe) was having this one time with his boyfriend Hugh (Jake Weary) when later on Hugh admitted that he passed along something to her. He told Jay to stay alive and find someone else to pass it along to. If she’s killed, 'it’ would turn back to Hugh.
What a jerk, isn’t he?
Thank you so much for the bag, @sabatini_trema. I ❤️ it so much!
Behind-the-scene process of creating an #ootd.
The Adidas Gang.
We definitely want to have another photoshoot with Joachim next time. He has potential and he’s having fun!
Nicole with Hickory Bear.
Amit (our VP) was like “Cynthia, come here!” I walked into his office and was really ready for the packaging simulation. He sat on his chair and told me to open our company’s official packaging that was ready to be released in the soft launching. Since it was my first time joining the so-called ‘packaging simulation’, I thought I was supposed to act like a customer receiving our package for the first time. So, just being myself, I opened it slowly and carefully (I have OCD, I don’t want to ruin it), that I realized Amit was totally impatient and told me to rip it open. That was so not me, but I followed the order. And I knew right away why he was like that. The box contained my birthday present; a Swatch and a notebook with “Happy Birthday, Cynthia” written on the cover. I saw it before but I thought “Swatch is one of our company’s brand, I suppose, and some filling papers, and some kind of book and I don’t know why I’m doing this… Okay.” I was surprised, THANK YOU VERY MUCH. I’m being 'manusia gurita’ right now, but, whatever. Thank you so much, my favorite team!!!
Sister’s souvenirs from Japan trip and I thought I was living in a manga for a moment.
Although I’m still waiting for the curtain to be lifted up, but it feels magical already. Aaarrrrggghhh… It’s been a long time since I watched a musical. Hope this “Beauty and the Beast” will be great.
I’ve tested myself in Pottermore and many other sites and quizzes, I’m a positive Hufflepuff. Always interested in Gryffindor before and never get any Hufflepuff things. Now, I do. Thanks to Cicimon. And for the wand that defeat Voldemort, Draco’s (later Harry’s) 10" long hawthorn wood with unicorn hair core.
“May it be a light to you in dark places, when all other lights go out.”
J.R.R. Tolkien
“Song One”
Original Motion Picture Soundtrack