Papers by Fedela Feldia Loperfido
Interaction Design and Architecture(s), Jun 19, 2023
TD Tecnologie Didattiche, Jul 9, 2015
The European Journal of Open, Distance and E-Learning, Nov 27, 2019
What emotional experience can students live in digital mediated learning processes? In this paper... more What emotional experience can students live in digital mediated learning processes? In this paper we connect Learning analytics and Grounded theory to analyse the emotional presence of students in 11 courses within EduOpen ( MOOCs’ platform. We analysed through a bottom up process and Nvivo 11 Plus software the forum dedicated to the students’ self-presentation from all of the courses. By going ahead with the analysis, we defined a set of categories composed by a three-level system. At a more general level we have the macrodimensions “Sentiment about EduOpen” and “Emotions toward topics”. Each of these dimensions is composed by some “child” categories and subcategories (nodes to Nvivo’s language). After defining the entire set of categories and categorizing all the texts (circular process), we run some graphs on Nvivo showing the hierarchical structure of dimensions, the relations among dimensions and sources, and the clusters of dimensions by coding similarity. Results show how some courses are more composed by negative or positive sentiments and how the motivations dimension heavily characterizes the broad emotional dimension of students. In an evidence based action-research perspective, these results give interesting suggestions to personalize the learning activities proposed to students by EduOpen.
What emotional experience can students live in digital mediated learning processes? In this paper... more What emotional experience can students live in digital mediated learning processes? In this paper we connect Learning analytics and Grounded theory to analyse the emotional presence of students in 11 courses within EduOpen ( MOOCs\u2019 platform. Namely, we analysed through a bottom up process and Nvivo 11 Plus software the forum dedicated to the students\u2019 self-presentation from all of the courses. By going ahead with the analysis, we defined a set of categories composed by a three-levels system. At a more general level we have the macrodimensions \u201cSentiment about EduOpen\u201d and \u201cEmotions toward topics\u201d. Each of these dimensions is composed by a number of child\u201d categories and subcategories (which are the nodes to Nvivo\u2019s language). After defining the entire set of categories and categorizing all the texts (which was a circular process), we run some graphs on Nvivo showing the hierarchical structure of dimensions, the relations among dimensions and sources, and the clusters of dimensions by coding similarity. Results show how some courses are more composed by negative or positive sentiments (both toward the topic or the logistic arrangement of the course) and how the motivations dimension heavily characterizes the broad emotional dimension of students. In an evidence based action-research perspective, these results give interesting suggestions to personalize the learning activities proposed to students by EduOpen
In this paper we analyse the emotional experience of students in 11 courses within EduOpen (www.e... more In this paper we analyse the emotional experience of students in 11 courses within EduOpen (, an international Moocs\u2019 platform. The main theoretical idea is that communities of inquiry (Garrison, Anderson, & Archer, 2000) are digital learning experiences characterized by an emotional dimension strongly impacting on learning (Cleveland-Innes, & Campbell., 2012). Our methodological approach refers to the field of qualitative learning analytics (ibidem; Loperfido, Dipace, Scarinci, in press), which connects the attention to the personalization of learning with the understanding of the students\u2019 experience from a microlevel point of view. Therefore, we connect the use of the general sentiment analysis, which looks at both negative and positive feelings, with Grounded theory approach, which looks at specific emotions. Through a bottom up process and Nvivo 11 Plus software, we analysed the forum dedicated to the students\u2019 selfpresentation from all of the 11 courses. We defined a set of categories composed by a three-levels system. At a general level, we have the macrodimensions \u201cSentiment about EduOpen\u201d and \u201cEmotions toward topics\u201d. Each of these dimensions is composed by a number of \u201cchild\u201d categories and subcategories. After defining the entire set of categories and categorizing all the texts (which was a circular process), we run some graphs on Nvivo showing the hierarchical structure of dimensions, the relations among dimensions and sources, and the clusters of dimensions by coding similarity. Results show how some courses are more composed by negative or positive sentiments and how the motivations dimension heavily characterizes the emotional dimension of students
Civitas educationis. Education, Politics, and Culture, Aug 24, 2017
Qwerty - Open and Interdisciplinary Journal of Technology, Culture and Education, Oct 3, 2012
This paper presents a methodological reflection on the study of virtual and blended communities. ... more This paper presents a methodological reflection on the study of virtual and blended communities. By adopting a dialogical approach, the paper proposes the analysis of reformulations to explore psychosocial group processes within blended communities, characterized by the mixture of online and offline interactions. The method represents an innovative use of reformulation analysis, traditionally used in dyadic interactions of clinical settings. The study illustrates the potential of this methodological innovation, which involves an extended range of categories. Examples from an empirical study of a learning community of university students in a blended course are presented to illustrate the categories.
Cultural-Historical Psychology, 2012
Education Sciences, Sep 24, 2021
How is digital culture at school shaped? How do teachers perceive the use of ICT in education and... more How is digital culture at school shaped? How do teachers perceive the use of ICT in education and, more specifically, in the teaching activities they arrange? This paper describes a research inspired to Opeka. This is a Finnish project realized by the University of Tampere since 2004 and aimed at grasping the teachers\u2019 perception on ICT in education through a 106-items questionnaire. By this first research, it emerged that four different factors (Leadership and Management, Time and Motivation, Resources and Access to Resources, Confidence and Competence) compose the teachers\u2019 digital culture. We translated the questionnaire from Finnish to Italian and administered it to the participants in the TFA program at the University of Foggia (IT). We then run Principal Component Analysis, and two Independent t-test and Manova test to grasp the differences of the factors in relation to some demographics. Results show that, in the Italian sample, the factors imply components about both rules and contribution of the educational community in the mediated learning activities. Several significant differences emerged in relation to demographics on the different factors. However, probably these differences can be culturally mediated
Dialogic Pedagogy, May 3, 2022
Italian Journal of Educational Technology, 2015
Questo numero di TD è dedicato al tema delle "Tecnologie invisibili" e nasce a valle del IV Congr... more Questo numero di TD è dedicato al tema delle "Tecnologie invisibili" e nasce a valle del IV Congresso Nazionale del Collaborative Knowledge Building Group (CKBG) dal titolo "Tecnologie e leggerezza", svoltosi a Pavia dal 29 al 31 Gennaio 2014. L'esigenza è stata quella di capitalizzare alcune delle idee emerse in quella occasione e di raccogliere un più ampio numero di contributi che poggiassero sull'idea di invisibilità della tecnologia. Attraverso un rapido cenno storico alle origini di questo tema, possiamo vedere come già alla fine degli anni '80 Mark Weiser, padre dell'ubiquitous computing, avesse profetizzato che «le tecnologie migliori sono quelle che scompaiono. Diventano talmente intrecciate con il tessuto della vita di tutti i giorni da diventare indistinguibili da esso». Questo significa che, nella logica dell'ubiquitous computing, l'obiettivo di un computer è quello di aiutare le persone a fare qualcos'altro e che la tecnologia migliore è quella che svolge la funzione di un maggiordomo tranquillo e invisibile. Anche nei contesti educativi e scolastici si sta progressivamente diffondendo un uso delle tecnologie digitali in cui queste, da fuoco od obiettivo specifico dell'apprendimento, si trovano ad essere sempre più integrate e intrecciate nei processi didattici, tanto da essere relegate sullo "sfondo". Basti pensare alla diffusione degli strumenti digitali 1:1, al fenomeno crescente del Bring Your Own Device (BYOD), a dispositivi sempre più miniaturizzati o indossabili che stanno contribuendo a configurare il nuovo scenario dell'Internet degli Oggetti. Da questo punto di vista, le tecnologie si configurano come dispositivi culturali capaci di mettere in luce l'essenzialità delle persone, dei luoghi e delle organizzazioni entro cui funzionano e, rendendosi leggere e invisibili, contribuiscono alla loro vivibilità, sostenibilità, umanità. A fronte di queste tendenze nello sviluppo, nei contesti educativi ed organizzativi odierni quello che viene definito come processo di appropriazione (delle tecnologie), in realtà, spesso non è completamente attuato; le stesse tecnologie sono, quindi, dispositivi poco utilizzati nei contesti reali, piuttosto che strumenti ubiquitari utili a raggiungere obiettivi pedagogico-didattici e organizzativi. Questo numero ha cercato di raccogliere contributi su temi quali: le tecnologie invisibili nell'intreccio tra apprendimento formale e informale, l'appropriazione delle tecnologie nei contesti di lavoro ed educativi, le tecnologie intelligenti e l'innovazione dei processi di apprendimento, gli effetti culturali delle nuove tecnologie, le applicazioni didattiche del wearable computing, il mobile learning, l'apprendimento nelle smart cities, gli aspetti critici dell'uso della rete e delle tecnologie, le tecnologie e la sostenibilità, gli aspetti psicologici e sociali delle interazioni online e blended, la costruzione di trame narrative nei social media, le tecnologie a supporto dello sviluppo del sé. Il numero si apre con il contributo inviato da Georg Rückriem, con il quale la rivista inaugura la pubblicazione di articoli anche in lingua inglese. I contributi che sono stati raccolti e selezionati non danno conto, ovviamente, del quadro complesso ed articolato che compone lo scenario delle tecnologie invisibili, ma sicuramente possono contribuire a comporre, seppur parzialmente, un primo puzzle. Ci auguriamo che possano stimolare la riflessione e il confronto tra chi abbia interesse per questo tema.
Civitas educationis. Education, Politics, and Culture, 2017
In this article, we use a dialogical approach to discuss the relationship between learning and de... more In this article, we use a dialogical approach to discuss the relationship between learning and democracy. In particular, we conceptualize the democratic aspects of the Self based on the Bakhtinian theory of Magistral, Socratic and Menippean dialogues, and on Herman’s conceptualization of the dialogical self. Using these theoretical resources, we aim at building a framework that allows to examine the emergence of democratic selves from learning interaction. In particular, we explore how the three forms of dialogue characterize the Self during a blended course and how students move from Magistral power identity positions to Menippean dialogues. We interpret these movements as revealing the emergence of a democratic expression of the Self.
TD Tecnologie Didattiche, 2015
In this paper we explore evolution in the appropriation of virtual environments during the traini... more In this paper we explore evolution in the appropriation of virtual environments during the training of an individual female SME entrepreneur. The subject is participating in a project devoted to innovation of organizational practices for enhanced sustainability and the exchange of so-called “externalities”. In this investigation we distinguish between technology as the object of activity and technology as tool, and identify three utilization schemas: usage schema, instrument-mediated action schema and instrument-mediated collective activity schema. The investigation highlights the prompting role of the researcher conducting the training and the substantial difference between the narrated and acted levels of technology utilization. The findings show that technology appropriation is not necessarily a linear process proceeding from one usage schema to the next. Moreover, technology did not become an “invisible” instrument for the participant s activity. Moving up to the next schema lev...
Education Sciences, 2021
Learner-centered blended learning approaches, such as Knowledge Creation, emphasize the self-orga... more Learner-centered blended learning approaches, such as Knowledge Creation, emphasize the self-organizing characteristic of thought and action, and value the students’ autonomy and self-regulation during the engagement in collaborative learning tasks. In blended contexts, the students need to organize their learning paths within a complex environment, including multiple online and offline learning spaces. This process of self-organization during courses based on the Knowledge Creation approach is currently an overlooked topic of research. The present case study is aimed at addressing this research gap by providing an in-depth understanding of the collaborative self-organization of a group of five undergraduate students participating in an interdisciplinary media design course. The course was designed according to the Knowledge Creation approach and was carried out before the start of the COVID-19 pandemic. The dialogical theory of the chronotope and the theory of cultural models const...
Papers by Fedela Feldia Loperfido