Re: small comment on Guidelines for Linguistic Linked Data Generation: Multilingual Terminologies (TBX)

Hi all,

  I have seen Daves comments and fices a number of other things on the pass.

I can't push for some reason. I have asked Sebastian Walter to push the 
new version tomorrow...

I will contact you to update the file...



Am 05.10.15 um 21:20 schrieb Felix Sasaki:
> Thanks a lot Dave, fixed. Jorge et al., if you want to update the 
> github accordingly, below is the CVS diff.
> Best,
> Felix
> 161c161,164
> < <li><b>TBX Resource</b>: A TBX resource essentially represents a 
> collection of terminological concepts (&ldquo;terminological 
> concepti&rdquo;), which are represented as XML elements of type 
> termEntry and have a unique ID. In the above XML snippet, there is one 
> terminological concept with ID 2151845. Each terminological concept is 
> described by a set of properties, such as a subject field they belong 
> to.</li>
> ---
> > <li><b>TBX Resource</b>: A TBX resource essentially represents
> >   a collection of terminological concepts (&ldquo;terminological
> >   concepti&rdquo;), which are represented as XML elements of type
> >   termEntry and have a unique ID. In the XML snippet in section 4.1, 
> there is one terminological concept with ID 2151845. Each 
> terminological concept is described by a set of properties, such as a 
> subject field they belong to.</li>
> 292c295
> < The header is transformed into RDF as follows:
> ---
> > The header of the TBX file is transformed into RDF as follows:
>> Am 05.10.2015 um 11:22 schrieb 
>> <>:
>> Hi Guys,
>> A couple of small issues on the version published at:
>> In section 3.1, the definition of TBX resource state: " In the above 
>> XML snippet, there is one terminological concept with ID 2151845.". 
>> This need to be tweaked to refer correctly to the snippet in section 4.1
>> In section 4.1, the second snippet is introduced as: " The header is 
>> transformed into RDF as follows:" though the snippet itself appears 
>> to be TBX.
>> cheers,
>> Dave
>> -- 
>> ADAPT Centre
>> School of Computer Science and Statistics
>> Trinity College Dublin

Prof. Dr. Philipp Cimiano
AG Semantic Computing
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Received on Monday, 5 October 2015 19:24:54 UTC