[apologies for cross-posting]
We are pleased to announce that the Globalex Workshop on Lexicography & Neologism (GWLN 2019) will be held in conjunction with DSNA 22, the 22nd biennial meeting of the Dictionary Society of North America, at Indiana University, Bloomington, on 8 May 2019.
GWLN 2019 will focus on issues related to the detection of neologisms - including new words, new meanings of existing words, and new multiword units - and their representation in lexicography and dictionaries, featuring 14 papers from across the world:
-Can a university project dedicated to the search for neologisms be useful to lexicographers?. Ieda Maria Alves, University of S�o Paulo
-Linguistics terminology and neologisms in Swahili: Rules vs. practice. Gilles-Maurice de Schryver and Jutta De Nul, Ghent University and University of Pretoria
-New words for the Duden. Kathrin Kunkel-Razum, Bibliographisches Institut
-New Estonian words and senses: Detection and description. Margit Langemets and Jelena Kallas, Institute of the Estonian Language
-A system for evaluating multiple data inputs to prioritize neologisms for inclusion in dictionaries. Katherine Connor Martin, Oxford University Press
-Using the Hypothes.is web annotation tool for neologism collection. Erin McKean, Wordnik
-The Korean Neologism Investigation Project: Current status and key issues. Kilim Nam, Sujin Lee and Hae-Yun Jung, Kyungpook National University
-New words in Japanese and the design of UniDic electronic dictionary. Teruaki Oka, National Institute for Japanese Language and Linguistics
-Adding neologisms to the Hebrew online dictionary Rav-Milim. Noga Porath, Melingo
-The formation of neologisms in a lesser used language: The case of Frisian. Hindrik Sijens, Fryske Akademy
-Beyond frequency: On the dictionarisation of new words in Spanish. Sergi Torner and Judit Freixa, Pompeu Fabra University
-Anglicisms and language-internal neologisms: Dealing with new words and expressions in The Danish Dictionary. Lars Trap-Jensen, Society for Danish Language and Literature
-Exploring criteria for the inclusion of trademarks in general language dictionaries of Modern Greek. Anna Vacalopoulou, Institute for Language and Speech Processing / Athena
-Neologisms in a Dutch online portal. Vivien Waszink, Instituut voor de Nederlandse Taal
The workshop proceedings will be available online on the Globalex website and published as a special issue of the DSNA journal Dictionaries.
GWLN 2019 is co-organized by Annette Klosa-K�ckelhaus (Institute of the German Language) and Ilan Kernerman (K Dictionaries).
* GLOBALEX, Global Association for Lexicography. https://globalex.link
* DSNA 22. https://www.indiana.edu/~iucweb/dsna/