meeting weekly in September?
initial structure review of sc1.2.1_l1_001?
initial review of sc1.2.1_l1_002?
[action] add 'deprecated' to TCDL 2.0 and Schematron
[TSD TF] Minutes for Teleconference on 28 August, 2007
TSD TF: Agenda for teleconference on Tuesday 28 August 2007
regrets for 28 August 2007 TSD TF Teleconference
deprecated tests
more samples in repo
[TSD TF] Minutes for Teleconference on 14 August, 2007
distribution of test samples that need updating
[action] list of tests ready for review
HTML version of rulesets, with SC IDs
Draft minutes for teleconference of 14 August 2007
Action: e-mail alias for BenToWeb test case authors
technique/failure mapping and TCDL validation
Changes to the Mobile Web Initiative's test submission interface
TSD TF: Agenda for teleconference on Tuesday 14 August 2007
- Antw: TSD TF: Agenda for teleconference on Tuesday 14 August 2007
- Re: TSD TF: Agenda for teleconference on Tuesday 14 August 2007