Conference Presentations by Ondřej Havlíček
Přednáška základně představuje v současnosti velmi prominentní teorii, která si klade za cíl být ... more Přednáška základně představuje v současnosti velmi prominentní teorii, která si klade za cíl být sjednocenou teorií funkce mysli a mozku. Hlavním principem je, že se mozek neustále snaží předvídat následující vstupy a díky tomu si tvoří model světa. Teorie se na základě toho snaží vysvětlit takové jevy jako je vnímání, pozornost, učení, tvorba přesvědčení, jednání, ale i např. jáství, schizofrenii či autismus. Stojí na konceptech jako je Bayesovský mozek, prediktivní kódování a tzv. free energy principle. Tento přístup srovnám s přístupy jako je kognitivismus, vtělená kognice a pod.
Can science replace philosophy? On two examples, the problem of free will and the sense of agency... more Can science replace philosophy? On two examples, the problem of free will and the sense of agency I try to illustrate that science is continuous with philosophy. While philosophy needs to be informed by scientific results, science needs the tools of philosophy to formulate conceptually coherent theories and hypotheses, to design experiments, and interpret their results.
Teaching Documents by Ondřej Havlíček
Papers by Ondřej Havlíček
Transcranial magnetic stimulation (TMS) is a neurostimulation and neuromodulation technique that ... more Transcranial magnetic stimulation (TMS) is a neurostimulation and neuromodulation technique that induces electric field in the brain based on Faraday’s principle of electro-magnetic induction and thus interferes with the neural processing. Although its roots stem to the first half of the 19th century, the first successful stimulation of the human cortex was performed in 1985 by Barker (Barker, Jalinous, & Freeston, 1985). Since then, the number of published papers reporting the use of TMS has been increasing rapidly (Rossi, Hallett, Rossini, & Pascual-Leone, 2009). Despite the growing popularity of the method, the mechanisms by which it influences brain activity are not completely understood. This review gives a brief overview of the recent theories and the supporting evidence. However, the main focus of this review is the use of TMS as a research tool in cognitive neuroscience and neuropsychology. I will try to illustrate the broad possibilities of application of TMS in these fields, what questions it could answer, how this technique could be combined with neuroimaging, and discuss the safety considerations related to the use of TMS in non-clinical settings.
Talks by Ondřej Havlíček
Popularizační přednáška o svobodné vůli z pohledu současné vědy (neurovědy, psychologie..) a filo... more Popularizační přednáška o svobodné vůli z pohledu současné vědy (neurovědy, psychologie..) a filosofie. O čem problém SV vůbec je? Jaké jsou zde tábory? Jsou neurovědy vůbec nějak relevantní? A psychologie? A slyšeli jste o experimentální filosofii? Argumentuji pro kompatibilistickou pozici: máme svobodnou vůli, která je relevantní pro běžný život, morální odpovědnost i justici.
What is the philosophical problem of free will about? Can we approach it from a naturalistic phil... more What is the philosophical problem of free will about? Can we approach it from a naturalistic philosophical perspective? Can we turn it into a scientific problem?
This presentation gives a broad introduction to the exciting concept of predictive processing as ... more This presentation gives a broad introduction to the exciting concept of predictive processing as the unifying theory of the brain and mind, in particular the Bayesian brain, predictive coding and free energy principle. I show how these theories aim to explain cognitive phenomena like perception, learning, belief formation, attention, motor control, the self or schizophrenia. Finally, I attempt to compare these new ideas with behaviorism, cognitivism, embodied and enactive cognition.
Conference Presentations by Ondřej Havlíček
Teaching Documents by Ondřej Havlíček
Papers by Ondřej Havlíček
Talks by Ondřej Havlíček