A small fish in a small bowl, with a lot of love for a lot of things e.g. britney, classic films, jazz & hiphop

  1. vintagewoc:
“Ghalia Lacroix in Bezness (1992)


    Ghalia Lacroix in Bezness (1992)

  2. 882 notes
  1. 98 notes
  1. palatinamedea:

    biggus dickus energy

  2. 125,813 notes
  1. 1,203 notes
  1. (Source: pensiveczar)

  2. 10,039 notes
  1. haidaspicciare:
“ Humphrey Bogart & Ingrid Bergman, “Casablanca” (Michael Curtiz, 1942).


    Humphrey Bogart & Ingrid Bergman, “Casablanca” (Michael Curtiz, 1942).

    (Source: giffetteria.it)

  2. 3,651 notes
  1. 315 notes
  1. 36,638 notes
  1. vintagewoc:

    Naomi Campbell at Marc Jacobs (S/S 1995)

  2. 818 notes
  1. "Pretty women wonder where my secret lies.
    I’m not cute or built to suit a fashion model’s size  
    But when I start to tell them,
    They think I’m telling lies.
    I say,
    It’s in the reach of my arms,
    The span of my hips,  
    The stride of my step,  
    The curl of my lips.  
    I’m a woman
    Phenomenal woman,  
    That’s me."
    – Maya Angelou, Phenomenal Woman: Four Poems Celebrating Women
    (via ohteenscanrelate)
  2. 1,585 notes
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