In hopes of inspiring younger
generations, NASA created this series
of gorgeous retro travel posters that
encourage you to imagine a future
where common space travel is a
legitimate possibility. Source
Only 5 days left to sign-up for the Bad Buddy exchange! Sign-up here today.
Not a writer or artist? No problem! Share with your friends, cheerlead the participants, follow us on Twitter and Tumblr. There’s plenty of ways to participate by supporting the exchange by spreading the word!
Find us here or on Twitter @badbuddyxchange for any updates. For more information, see the Bad Buddy Exchange Collection on AO3 here.
Welcome to the Bad Buddy Gift Exchange! Don’t let a Friday without Buddy Buddy pass you by. The series may have ended, but you can join us on January 21st to kick off the first round of nominations for the Bad Buddy Exchange for all of your fanwork needs. During the nominations period, participants can nominate relationships to the collection tag set on AO3. Any and all are welcome, including platonic relationships.
Are you team Ink/Pa? Need a missing scene of Pat coming out to Pa? Seeing sparks fly with Wai/Korn? Make sure your faves get some love 1/21! Posting schedule:
21 Jan - 27 Jan: tag set nominations 28 Jan - Feb 4: sign ups 6 Feb: assignments go out 8 Apr: assignments due 15 Apr - 22 Apr: staggered work reveals 25 Apr: creator reveals
For more information, see the Bad Buddy Exchange Collection on AO3 here. Any additional questions can be sent to or on Twitter @badbuddyxchange.
Only 4 days until the nomination period opens! Are you feeding pancake to the one you love with Ink/Pa? Awaiting the rise if Waikorn nation? Where’s the love for Pat, Pran, and Ink high school shenanigans? Don’t forgot to make sure your favorite relationships are represented for sign-ups!
Follow us on Twitter @badbuddyxchange for any updates. For more information, see the Bad Buddy Exchange Collection on AO3 here. Any additional questions can be sent to badbuddyexchange@gmail.
I just thought about you, man, I… We got this jukebox in here and, um… folks come by and play they songs, that’s the music we get in here, and it’s… This dude, man… Just reminded me of you. So, uh… Hey man, if you ever come to town, man, you come holla at me. I’ll cook you something. Maybe… Maybe play that song for you.
“I always thought love was a luxury that I would never be able to afford, but I’ve realized that I was just too scared to even try. And being around you — it makes me feel brave.”
some illustrations for gdgdbaby’s classic ggdd road trip fic “if you would only let you”