Wikimedia Technology/Goals/2019-20 Q3: Difference between revisions

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== [[Analytics]] ==
'''Team Manager:''' [[:m:User:NRuiz (WMF)|Nuria Ruiz]]
'''Team Manager:''' [[:m:User:NRuiz (WMF)|Nuria Ruiz]]
: '''Modern Event Platform'''
:: Build a reliable, scalable, and comprehensive platform for creating services, tools and user facing features that produce and consume event data'''
::: Deploy a new datastreamevent stream for analytics inusing the new EventGateEvent Platform infrastructure {{Phabricator|T238138T241241}} {{not done}}
::: Client side Error logging enabled for 1 wiki such errors from browser clients are surfaced to developers {{Phabricator|T226986}} {{done}}
::: Public schema endpoint for event schemas {{Phabricator|T233630}} {{done}}
: '''Smart Tools for Better Data. Make easier to understand the history of all Wikimedia projects'''
:: Design (together with core platform team) an alternative architecture for historic data endpoints used by iOS application {{Phabricator|T241184}} {{in progress}}
:: Move domain to point to Wikistats2 by default {{Phabricator|T237752}} {{done}}
:: |Wikistats2 UI is localized {{phabricator|T186122}} {{done}}
:: Project NewpiterNewpyter: First Class Jupyter Notebook system. Deliver Project plan {{Phabricator|T241186}} {{done}}
:: EasierEnable dashboardsPresto withaccess supersetfor andshell prestousers, much faster way to query hadoop {{Phabricator|T241189T243312}} {{done}}
: '''Smart Tools for Better Data. Increase Data Quality, Privacy and Security'''
: Bots: Label high volume bot spikes in pageview data as automated traffic {{Phabricator|T238357}} {{in progress}}
: '''Core. Operational Excellence. Increase Resilience of Systems'''
:: Deploy EvenstreamsEventstreams with kubernetesKubernetes {{Phabricator|T238658}} {{done}}
:: Create a MySQL replica for backups for all mysqlMySQL instances we use MySQL on, like oozieOozie or supersetSuperset {{Phabricator|T234826}}
: '''Core. Operational Excellence. Reduce Operational Load by Phasing Out Legacy Systems/Technologies'''
::Reimage at least one Hadoop worker to Debian Buster (to unlock the upgrade) - {{Phabricator|T231067}} {{done}}
:: Spark 2.4 encryption worknigworking in Hadoop {{Phabricator|T240934}} {{done}}
:: Refresh 1004 with new host and GPU {{Phabricator|T241187}} {{done}}
:: Airflow as an easier job scheduling alternative, PoC for refine workflow {{Phabricator|T241246 }} {{in progress}}
'''<font color="green">Status</font>'''
'''<span style="color:green;">Status</span>'''
* January 21, 2020 status - updated above
* February 28, 2020 status:
{{in progress}}
** Project newpiter. Spike about rework of current jupyter network environment
** Client side Error logging enabled for 1 wiki such errors from browser clients are surfaced to developers
** Design (together with core platform team) an alternative architecture for historic data endpoints used by iOS application
** Wikistats2 UI is localized
** Deploy Eventstreams with Kubernetes
** Deploy Public schema endpoint for event schemas
** Move domain to point to Wikistats2
** Enable Presto access for shell users, much faster way to query hadoop
** Spark 2.4 encryption working in Hadoop
* March 31, 2020 status:
{{in progress}}
** Project newpiter. Spike about rework of current jupyter network environment
** Replacing oozie. PoC of Airflow for refine workflow
** Design (together with core platform team) an alternative architecture for historic data endpoints used by iOS application
** Deploy Public schema endpoint for event schemas
** Client side Error logging enabled for 1 wiki such errors from browser clients are surfaced to developers
** Move domain to point to Wikistats2
** Wikistats2 UI is localized
** Enable Presto access for shell users, much faster way to query hadoop
** Deploy Eventstreams with Kubernetes
** Create a MySQL replica for backups for all MySQL instances we use MySQL on, like Oozie or Superse
** Reimage at least one Hadoop worker to Debian Buster (to unlock the upgrade)
** Spark 2.4 encryption working in Hadoop
** Refresh 1004 with new host and GPU
Line 54 ⟶ 84:
:: Initial modularization of MediaWiki (planning) (continued from Q2)
:: Push notification service
:: Migrate Service - changeprop (continued from Q2)
:: Initial modularization of MediaWiki (one component)
:: FAWG (desktop refresh work)
:: API Gateway
:: Wikimedia Unified API
: '''Tech & Product Partnerships'''
:: Developer Portal Implementation
:: Integrate OAuth 2.0 into API, (PhaseAPI 2)Keys, rate limiting
:: Paid API project
: '''Safe and Secure Spaces'''
:: Image Hash Checking (in beta)
''Dependencies on:''
'''<fontspan colorstyle="color:green;">Status</fontspan>'''
* January 24, 2020 status - {{to do}}
** In review:
*** Migrate Service - changeprop
* February 2020 status - {{to do}}
** {{not done|blocked}}
*** Enable MultiDC Reads
* March 2020 status - {{to do}}
** {{in progress}}
*** Developer Portal Implementation
** {{not done|postponed}}
*** IP Masking Implementation
* February 28, 2020 status:
{{in progress}}
** Developer Portal Implementation
** Integrate OAuth 2.0 into API, API Keys, rate limiting
** Image Hash Checking (in beta)
** FAWG (desktop refresh work)
** API Gateway
{{not done|postponed}}
** IP Masking Implementation
** Enable MultiDC Reads
* March 31, 2020 status:
{{in progress}}
** API Portal Implementation
** Integrate OAuth 2.0 into API, API Keys, rate limiting
** FAWG (desktop refresh work)
** API Gateway (routing layer)
** Image Hash Checking (in beta)
{{not done|blocked}}
** IP Masking Implementation
** Enable MultiDC Reads
** Initial modularization of MediaWiki (one component)
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: '''Platform Evolution / Modern Event Platform'''
:: Provide performance expertise to FAWG outcome (continued from Q1)
''Dependencies on:''
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:: Make CI warn about slow tests, and publish a collated list of slow tests
:: Transfer maintainership/ownership of API Test Tooling from CPT
''Dependencies on:''
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''Dependencies on:''
'''<fontspan colorstyle="color:green;">Status</fontspan>'''
* January 24, 2020 status - {{to do}}
** {{in progress}}
*** Reduce weekly rate of RDBMs commit/shutdown errors to less than 10
* February 2020 status - {{to do}}
*** DC-shared temporary data is written via queues or replicated stores
*** A memory-only lightweight store for temporary data exists and supports global (cross-wiki) keys
* March 2020 status - {{to do}}
*** A disk-backed lightweight store for temporary data exists and supports global (cross-wiki) keys
*** Migrate prod localisation cache to faster static-array distribution
*** Improve MediaWiki PHP startup time and recover from PHP7 regression
*** Add all deployed to production repos to the Code Health pipeline (Code Health Metrics)
*** Develop Test Strategy for CPT
*** Develop Test Strategy for Editing Team
*** Transfer maintainership/ownership of API Test Tooling from CPT
*** (Stretch): MobileContentService
*** Continuation of Phabricator and Gerrit improvement (in conjunction with SRE)
*** Other service deployment pipeline migrations as prioritized between SRE/RelEng and relevant teams.
*** Migrate from Gerrit version 2.15 to 2.16
*** Scap static PHP array for l10n cache
*** A demonstration MediaWiki development environment hosts the full TimedMediaHandler front-end and back-end workflow
*** Create Basic Local Development Environment for MediaWiki/Core
*** Create PipelineLib documentation to support deployment pipeline migrations
** {{not done|blocked}}
*** Reduce weekly rate of lost post-send updates to less than 10
* February 28, 2020 status:
{{in progress}}
** Add operational monitoring for 100% of the performance-team services
** Have at least 2 years of retention for ArcLamp flame graphs
** Collect and graph First Input Delay
** Migrate prod localisation cache to faster static-array distribution
** Improve MediaWiki PHP startup time and recover from PHP7 regression
** Performance review of the DiscussionTools extension
** Organise and oversee org-wide frontend web performance training
** Organise and oversee implementation of First Paint on Safari
** Add all deployed to production repos to the Code Health pipeline (Code Health Metrics).
** Transfer maintainership/ownership of API Test Tooling from CPT
** Develop Test Strategy for CPT
** Develop Test Strategy for Editing Team
** A demonstration MediaWiki development environment hosts the full TimedMediaHandler front-end and back-end workflow
** Migrate from Gerrit version 2.15 to 2.16
** Migrate "integration" Cloud VPS project to stretch
** Developer satisfaction survey
** Document how to add your own User Timing and how to see it in RUM and synthetic testing
** Document how to add your own Element Timing and how to see it in synthetic testing
** Document how to add your own user journey for synthetic testing
** Document the search user journeys in synthetic testing
** Create Basic Local Development Environment for MediaWiki/Core
** Create PipelineLib documentation to support deployment pipeline migrations
** Scap static PHP array for l10n cache
* March 31, 2020 status:
{{in progress}}
** Add operational monitoring for 100% of the performance-team services
** Have at least 2 years of retention for ArcLamp flame graphs
** DC-shared object caches are available and replicate even if 20% of the servers fail
** Collect and graph First Input Delay
** Improve MediaWiki PHP startup time and recover from PHP7 regression
** Performance review of the KaiOS app
** Performance review of the GrowthExperiments extension
** Organise and oversee org-wide frontend web performance training
** Organise and oversee implementation of First Paint on Safari
** Propose and (if approved) help establish a stakeholder forum around TechCom
** Add all deployed to production repos to the Code Health pipeline (Code Health Metrics).
** Develop Test Strategy for CPT
** Put in place Code Stewardship Review Committee
** A demonstration MediaWiki development environment hosts the full TimedMediaHandler front-end and back-end workflow
** Migrate zuul deployment from .deb to scap3
** Migrate "integration" Cloud VPS project to stretch
** Developer satisfaction survey
** Document how to add your own User Timing and how to see it in RUM and synthetic testing
** Document how to add your own Element Timing and how to see it in synthetic testing
** Document how to add your own user journey for synthetic testing
** Document the search user journeys in synthetic testing
** Performance review of the DiscussionTools extension
** Develop Test Strategy for Editing Team
** Create Basic Local Development Environment for MediaWiki/Core
** Create PipelineLib documentation to support deployment pipeline migrations
** Scap static PHP array for l10n cache
{{not done|blocked}} or {{not done|postponed}}
** Migrate prod localisation cache to faster static-array distribution
** Shared caching and temporary data storage use established/documented patterns
** Make seen/unseen state of watched pages reliable (all affected users who reported the issue are satisfied)
** Transfer maintainership/ownership of API Test Tooling from CPT
** Set up an experimental elastic search instance to store and analyze CI logs and metrics
** Migrate from Gerrit version 2.15 to 2.16
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''Dependencies on:''
'''<fontspan colorstyle="color:green;">Status</fontspan>'''
* January 24, 2020 status - {{to do}}
** {{ in progress}}
*** Support Advancement in testing and planned Q3 campaigns
* February 2020 status - {{to do}}
*** Make IDEAL payment processor campaign (support for Q4 campaigns)
*** Recover from the holidays
* March 2020 status - {{to do}}
* February 28, 2020 status:
{{in progress}}
** Support Advancement in testing and planned Q3 campaigns
** Make IDEAL payment processor campaign (support for Q4 campaigns)
* March 31, 2020 status:
{{in progress}}
** Make IDEAL payment processor campaign ready (support for Q4 campaigns)
** Matching Gifts V2 (Fr-tech side)
** Support Advancement in testing and planned Q3 campaigns
** Recover from the holidays
Line 190 ⟶ 333:
''Dependencies on:''
'''<fontspan colorstyle="color:green;">Status</fontspan>'''
* January 24, 2020 status - {{to do}}
** {{in progress}}
*** Expansion of Topic Model to ar, ko, and cswiki
* February 2020 status - {{to do}}
*** Support operations infrastructure improvements (prometheus)
*** Deploy Entity UI for Jade
* March 2020 status - {{to do}}
*** Deployment of session-based models
*** Build/improve models in response to community demand (ongoing every quarter)
*** Improve topic models in based on initial use
* February 28, 2020 status:
{{in progress}}
** Build/improve models in response to community demand (ongoing every quarter)
{{not done|blocked}}
** Improve topic models in based on initial use
* March 31, 2020 status:
{{in progress}}
** Build/improve models in response to community demand (ongoing every quarter)
** Improve topic models in based on initial use
Line 212 ⟶ 366:
''Dependencies on:''
'''<fontspan colorstyle="color:green;">Status</fontspan>'''
* January 24, 2020 status - {{to do}}
** {{in progress}}
*** Finalize the research brief for crosslingual topical model laying out the work that will be done in this space starting Q3.
* February 2020 status - {{to do}}
*** Build one formal collaborations in the disinformation space to start the research for building solutions starting Q3.
*** Plan for a challenge: come up with an initial format, put a committee together, choose a venue for presentations.
* March 2020 status - {{to do}}
*** Finalize a proposal for changes in Research based on learnings about Research's audience, what they expect from the team, our positioning within WMF, Movement, and the Research community, and the opportunities for impact.
*** Document and communicate with the team: expectations of the Research Scientist role and trajectory in the IC track.
*** Measuring the consistency of information between Wikipedia articles and Wikidata items
*** Run office hours WMF/Research&Analytics
*** A list of meaningful Commons Categories whose images can be used to train image classifiers
*** Link recommendation
*** Submit work on section alignment
*** Research showcase take-over transition
*** Start formal collaboration around the project "Understanding Readers' Image Usage in Wikipedia"
*** Investigate Knowledge Gaps in Multimedia
*** Supervise Outreachy Internship on Releasing data dumps for Citation Needed Classifiers
*** Start research project on navigation paths "How we read wikipedia"
*** Build taxonomy of readership gaps
*** Define research agenda for external re-use
*** Submit paper on reader demographics surveys for peer-review
*** Research showcase improvements for 2020
*** Pilot social media traffic reports for English Wikipedia
*** Organize Wiki Workshop 2020
*** Submit Citation Usage Camera Ready Paper to the Web Conference 2020
** {{not done|blocked}}
*** Start the first version of the Research Internships program
** {{done}}
*** Launch experimental API for Wikidata-based topic model
* February 28, 2020 status:
{{in progress}}
** Measuring the consistency of information between Wikipedia articles and Wikidata items
** Research support for cross-wiki content propagation
** Run office hours WMF/Research&Analytics
** Template recommendation exploratory research work
** Submit work on section alignment
** Start formal collaboration around the project "Understanding Readers' Image Usage in Wikipedia"
** Investigate Knowledge Gaps in Multimedia
** Develop metrics for quantifying knowledge gaps
** Build taxonomy of readership gaps
** Define research agenda for external re-use
** Submit paper on reader demographics surveys for peer-review
** Research showcase improvements for 2020
** WMF Research portal/program page template for Meta
** Pilot social media traffic reports for English Wikipedia
** Organize Wiki Workshop 2020
** A list of meaningful Commons Categories whose images can be used to train image classifiers
** Link recommendation
** Research showcase take-over transition
** Supervise Outreachy Internship on Releasing data dumps for Citation Needed Classifiers
** Start research project on navigation paths "How we read wikipedia"
** Launch experimental API for Wikidata-based topic model
** Submit Citation Usage Camera Ready Paper to the Web Conference 2020
{{not done|blocked}}
** Start the first version of the Research Internships program
* March 31, 2020 status:
{{in progress}}
** Measuring the consistency of information between Wikipedia articles and Wikidata items
** Research support for cross-wiki content propagation
** Run office hours WMF/Research&Analytics
** Template recommendation exploratory research work
** Submit work on section alignment
** Start formal collaboration around the project "Understanding Readers' Image Usage in Wikipedia"
** Investigate Knowledge Gaps in Multimedia
** Develop metrics for quantifying knowledge gaps
** Build taxonomy of readership gaps
** Define research agenda for external re-use
** Submit paper on reader demographics surveys for peer-review
** Research showcase improvements for 2020
** WMF Research portal/program page template for Meta
** Pilot social media traffic reports for English Wikipedia
** Organize Wiki Workshop 2020
** A list of meaningful Commons Categories whose images can be used to train image classifiers
** Link recommendation
** Research showcase take-over transition
** Supervise Outreachy Internship on Releasing data dumps for Citation Needed Classifiers
** Start research project on navigation paths "How we read wikipedia"
** Launch experimental API for Wikidata-based topic model
** Submit Citation Usage Camera Ready Paper to the Web Conference 2020
{{not done|blocked}}
** Start the first version of the Research Internships program
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''Dependencies on:'' SDC, Legal
'''<fontspan colorstyle="color:green;">Status</fontspan>'''
* January 202024, 020 status - {{to do}}
** {{in progress}}
*** 8.1. Improve search quality, especially for non-English wikis by prioritizing community requests - Positive feedback from speakers/community on changes made
* February 2020 status - {{to do}}
*** 10.1 Newcomer task
*** Import RDF data to answer questions on partioning graph databases - a better understanding of the data
* March 2020 status - {{to do}}
*** 3.2. Glent method 1 (comparison to other users' queries) offline tested, tuned, A/B tested and possibly deployed end of Q3
*** Improve WDQS updater performance
*** 1.1. New query parser is used in production by the end of Q3
*** 2.2. WDQS storage expansion
** {{blocked}}
*** 6.2. Any new data retention requirements are implemented (validate with Legal)
*** 6.1. Increase of training data retention (>90 days) is validated with Legal / Privacy
*** 7.1. Increase understanding of our work outside our team, and outside the Foundation
*** 9.1. Proof of Concept SPARQL endpoint for SDoC is available on WMCS and updated weekly. (stretch)
* February 28, 2020 status:
{{in progress}}
** Improve WDQS updater performance - quick fixes
** 3.2. Glent method 1 (comparison to other users' queries) offline tested, tuned, A/B tested and possibly deployed end of Q3
** 10.1 Newcomer task
** 8.1. Improve search quality, especially for non-English wikis by prioritizing community requests - Positive feedback from speakers/community on changes made
** 3.3. Glent method 2 (offline testing)
** Rework the WDQS updater as an event driven application
** Import RDF data to answer questions on partioning graph databases - a better understanding of the data
{{not done|blocked}}
** 6.2. Any new data retention requirements are implemented (validate with Legal)
** 6.1. Increase of training data retention (>90 days) is validated with Legal / Privacy
** 7.1. Increase understanding of our work outside our team, and outside the Foundation
** 9.1. Proof of Concept SPARQL endpoint for SDoC is available on WMCS and updated weekly. (stretch)
* March 31, 2020 status:
{{in progress}}
** 3.2. Glent method 1 (comparison to other users' queries) offline tested, tuned, A/B tested and possibly deployed end of Q3
** 7.1. Increase understanding of our work outside our team, and outside the Foundation
** 8.1. Improve search quality, especially for non-English wikis by prioritizing community requests - Positive feedback from speakers/community on changes made
** 3.3. Glent method 2 (offline testing - Chinese)
** Rework the WDQS updater as an event driven application
** Import RDF data to answer questions on partioning graph databases - a better understanding of the data
** Improve WDQS updater performance - quick fixes
** 10.1 Newcomer task
{{not done|blocked}} or {{not done|postponed}}
** 6.2. Any new data retention requirements are implemented (validate with Legal)
** 6.1. Increase of training data retention (>90 days) is validated with Legal / Privacy
** 9.1. Proof of Concept SPARQL endpoint for SDoC is available on WMCS and updated weekly. (stretch)
** 1.1. New query parser is used in production by the end of Q3
** 2.2. WDQS storage expansion
Line 275 ⟶ 545:
''Dependencies on:''
'''<fontspan colorstyle="color:green;">Status</fontspan>'''
* January 24, 2020 status - {{to do}}
** {{in progress}}
*** Create privacy engineering charter
* February 2020 status - {{to do}}
*** Assess / Refine Phab Usage and Workflows
*** Create design document for DAST implementation and development tools pen testing
* March 2020 status - {{to do}}
*** Enhance and Deploy (to beta) StopForumSpam
*** Evaluate providing a Tier 1 (Clinic-like) function for the Security team.
*** Develop organization-wide privacy training.
** {{not done|postponed}}
*** Incident response Table Top and updates to security after action reports and improvement plans
* February 28m, 2020 status:
{{in progress}}
** Enhance and Deploy (to beta) StopForumSpam
** Evaluate providing a Tier 1 (Clinic-like) function for the Security team.
** Get started with ERM product
** Develop organization-wide privacy training.
** Plan & Operationalize ERM
{{not done|postponed}}
** Create design document for DAST implementation and development tools pen testing
** Understand and evaluate threats to the WMF
** NIST Assessments
* March 31, 2020 status:
{{in progress}}
** Enhance and Deploy (to beta) StopForumSpam
** Develop organization-wide privacy training
** Evaluate providing a Tier 1 (Clinic-like) function for the Security team.
** Plan ERM
** Q3 Security Release
{{not done|postponed}} or {{not done|blocked}}
** Create design document for DAST implementation and development tools pen testing
** Understand and evaluate threats to the WMF
** NIST Assessments
Line 333 ⟶ 630:
''Dependencies on:''
'''<fontspan colorstyle="color:green;">Status</fontspan>'''
* January 2020 status - {{to do}}
* February 28, 2020 status - {{to do}}:
{{in progress}}
** Modify existing dc-ops processes to be able to measure SLOs effectively
* March 2020 status - {{to do}}
** Create landing page, that directs end users to the various types of data center requests, its appropriate template, and expected turnaround time
** Partner with Joel and Automation team to establish reports that can measure SLOs via Phabricator and/or Netbox
** Define SLOs for each type of dc-ops tasks
** Order and receive all Q3 hardware procurement orders by end of quarter
** Clean out eqiad storage room and send all decommissioned equipment and unneeded parts for recycling by end of January
** Partner with Julianne and Automation team to revamp decommission process of manually entering information into spreadsheet
** Reduce total number of open data center tasks by 30%
** Receive all incoming data center deliveries in Coupa within 2 business days
** Eliminate all issues identified by the Coherence, Cables, PuppetDB and Accounting Netbox reports.
* March 31, 2020 status:
{{in progress}}
** Modify existing dc-ops processes to be able to measure SLOs effectively
** Partner with Joel and Automation team to establish reports that can measure SLOs via Phabricator and/or Netbox
** Order and receive all Q3 hardware procurement orders by end of quarter
** Create landing page, that directs end users to the various types of data center requests, its appropriate template, and expected turnaround time
** Define SLOs for each type of dc-ops tasks
** Clean out eqiad storage room and send all decommissioned equipment and unneeded parts for recycling by end of January
** Partner with Julianne and Automation team to revamp decommission process of manually entering information into spreadsheet
** Reduce total number of open data center tasks by 30%
** Receive all incoming data center deliveries in Coupa within 2 business days
** Eliminate all issues identified by the Coherence, Cables, PuppetDB and Accounting Netbox reports.
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''Dependencies on:''
'''<fontspan colorstyle="color:green;">Status</fontspan>'''
* January 24, 2020 status - {{to do}}
** {{in progress}}
*** At least five projects are successfully completed by Outreachy interns by end of Q3.
* February 2020 status - {{to do}}
*** Provide “showroom”, introducing newcomers to a variety of different tools to show what developers can do in Toolforge by Q3
*** Find out what is needed to get data on technical contributions/contributors (by Q3)
* March 2020 status - {{to do}}
*** Coordinate with Bitergia and get data on "Avg. Time Open (Days)" for Gerrit patchsets per affiliation and "time to first review" data for patches (by end of Q4).
*** Create a blog by and for technical audiences where members of the technical community can post about their technical work.
*** Develop workshop concept with partner community for technical workshops in Q3
*** Advocate for better processes + practices to support developer productivity
*** Create regular cadence of content -- strive for 3 x per week -- @MediaWiki and @Wikimediatech
*** In Q2/Q3, at least 700 task instances are completed in Google Code-in.
*** Conduct at least 4 workshops + introductions into Phabricator at movement events by end of Q4
*** Provide “showroom”, introducing newcomers to a variety of different tools to show what developers can do in Toolforge (by Q3, in collaboration with GCI students)
*** Provide Bug Management support in Phabricator
*** Publish 6 (min) technical blog posts
*** Develop workshop concept with partner community for technical workshops in Q3/Q4
*** At least five projects are successfully completed by Outreachy interns by end of Q3.
*** A starter kit for small wikis containing a recommended set of templates, Gadgets, bots etc. is available by Q4
*** Create a blog by and for technical audiences where members of the technical community can post about their technical work
*** At least 14 projects are promoted in GSOC and Outreachy programs by Q4
*** Replace Debian Jessie with newer operating system release on all physical hardware managed by the Cloud Services team before Jessie EOL to keep all software under active security patch management
*** All Debian Jessie instances are removed/replaced in Cloud VPS hosted projects
*** Provide a forecast analysis of CEPH resource utilization used to identify the full impact of migrating virtual machines disks to shared storage.
*** Upgrade OpenStack components from Pike to Queens
*** Provide a more modern, secure, and performant PaaS experience for Toolforge tools
*** Improve readability, and content where applicable, of 5 - 10 pages of Toolforge and Cloud VPS "Help" documentation on Wikitech chosen based on data from 2019 WMCS user survey
** {{done}}
*** Publish current numbers on technical contributions provided by Bitergia in the Quarterly Tech Community newsletter (by Jan 2020)
*** Upgrade OpenStack components from Ocata to Pike
* February 28, 2020 status:
{{in progress}}
** Publish 6 (min) technical blog posts
** Develop workshop concept with partner community for technical workshops in Q3/Q4
** At least five projects are successfully completed by Outreachy interns by end of Q3.
** A starter kit for small wikis containing a recommended set of templates, Gadgets, bots etc. is available by Q4
** Create a blog by and for technical audiences where members of the technical community can post about their technical work
** Create regular cadence of content -- strive for 3 x per week -- @MediaWiki and @Wikimediatech
** Establish Phabricator training for new staff members
** Conduct at least 4 workshops + introductions into Phabricator at movement events by end of Q4
** Kick off Friends of the Docs initiative (prep work in Q3; kick off in Q4)
** At least 14 projects are promoted in GSOC and Outreachy programs by Q4
** Provide Bug Management support in Phabricator
** Advocate for better processes + practices to support developer productivity
** Replace Debian Jessie with newer operating system release on all physical hardware managed by the Cloud Services team before Jessie EOL to keep all software under active security patch management
** All Debian Jessie instances are removed/replaced in Cloud VPS hosted projects
** Ceph cluster capacity building: Finalize plan for physical OSD deployment in consultation with DCOps and Infrastructure Foundations teams
** Upgrade OpenStack components from Pike to Queens
** Research and design Neutron changes needed for multi-row and IPv6
** Provide a more modern, secure, and performant PaaS experience for Toolforge tools
** Improve readability, and content where applicable, of 5 - 10 pages of Toolforge and Cloud VPS "Help" documentation on Wikitech chosen based on data from 2019 WMCS user survey
** Refine technical content review process by applying it to documentation created/updated during Q2
** Publish current numbers on technical contributions provided by Bitergia in the Quarterly Tech Community newsletter (by Jan 2020)
** Provide “showroom”, introducing newcomers to a variety of different tools to show what developers can do in Toolforge (by Q3, in collaboration with GCI students)
** In Q2/Q3, at least 700 task instances are completed in Google Code-in.
** Provide a forecast analysis of CEPH resource utilization used to identify the full impact of migrating virtual machines disks to shared storage.
** Ceph cluster capacity building: Identify the pool of existing cloudvirts that can be used as SSD donors for Ceph OSD nodes
** Upgrade OpenStack components from Ocata to Pike
* March 31, 2020 status:
{{in progress}}
** Prepare release of 3rd edition of the Tech Community Newsletter (publishing date: April 2020)
** Implement virtual workshop concept with partner community for technical workshops in Q3/Q4
** A starter kit for small wikis containing a recommended set of templates, Gadgets, bots etc. is available by Q4
** Conduct at least 3 workshops + introductions and 1 virtual into Phabricator at movement events by end of Q4
** Replace Debian Jessie with newer operating system release on all physical hardware managed by the Cloud Services team before Jessie EOL to keep all software under active security patch management
** All Debian Jessie instances are removed/replaced in Cloud VPS hosted projects
** Ceph cluster capacity building: Finalize plan for physical OSD deployment in consultation with DCOps and Infrastructure Foundations teams
** Upgrade OpenStack components from Queens to Rocky
** Research and design Neutron changes needed for multi-row and IPv6
** Improve readability, and content where applicable, of 5 - 10 pages of Toolforge and Cloud VPS "Help" documentation on Wikitech chosen based on data from 2019 WMCS user survey
** Refine technical content review process by applying it to documentation created/updated during Q2
** Publish 6 (min) technical blog posts
** Publish current numbers on technical contributions provided by Bitergia in the Quarterly Tech Community newsletter (by Jan 2020)
** At least five projects are successfully completed by Outreachy interns by end of Q3.
** Create a blog by and for technical audiences where members of the technical community can post about their technical work
** Create regular cadence of content -- strive for 3 x per week -- @MediaWiki and @Wikimediatech
** Provide “showroom”, introducing newcomers to a variety of different tools to show what developers can do in Toolforge (by Q3, in collaboration with GCI students)
** In Q2/Q3, at least 700 task instances are completed in Google Code-in.
** At least 14 projects are promoted in GSOC and Outreachy programs by Q4
** Provide Bug Management support in Phabricator
** Advocate for better processes + practices to support developer productivity
** Provide a forecast analysis of CEPH resource utilization used to identify the full impact of migrating virtual machines disks to shared storage.
** Ceph cluster capacity building: Identify the pool of existing cloudvirts that can be used as SSD donors for Ceph OSD nodes
** Upgrade OpenStack components from Ocata to Pike
** Upgrade OpenStack components from Pike to Queens
** Provide a more modern, secure, and performant PaaS experience for Toolforge tools
{{not done|postponed}}
** Establish Phabricator training for new staff members
** Kick off Friends of the Docs initiative (prep work in Q3; kick off in Q4)