Wikidata:Property proposal/Delaware Department of State file number

Delaware Department of State file number


Originally proposed at Wikidata:Property proposal/Organization

Descriptionnumber associated with entities registered with the Delaware Division of Corporations (Q87326346)
Data typeExternal identifier
DomainDelaware corporation (Q88537331)
Allowed valuesnumeric identifier
Example 1Cloudflare (Q4778915) → 4710875
Example 2Google (Q95) → 3582691
Example 3DuPont (Q221062) → 48306
Example 4Amazon (Q3884) → 2620453
SourceThe Delaware Division of Corporations (Q87326346) issues file numbers for each entity registered with the Department, and makes these numbers searchable on the Delaware Corporate Information System (Q87329016)
Planned useI realized this was missing when filling out the identifiers for Cloudflare (Q4778915). I'm not a prolific editor, so I'm not planning on backfilling this information into many other pages, but it should be added to Wikidata:WikiProject Companies/Properties so that future additions and edits can be made aware this a property that can be added.
Number of IDs in sourceMillions - they appear to be serial and Cloudflare (Q4778915)'s is 4,710,875. Also, the Delaware Division of Corporations (Q87326346) claims there are over 1,000,000 corporations registered in Delaware:
Expected completenessalways incomplete (Q21873886)
See alsoIRS Employer Identification Number (P1297) (Internal Revenue Service (Q973587)'s file number for an organization), Companies House company ID (P2622) (United Kingdom (Q145) equivalent), Companies Registration Office (Ireland) Registration Number (P9679) (Ireland (Q27) equivalent), KvK company ID (P3220) (Netherlands (Q55) equivalent)
Wikidata projectProbably WikiProject Companies (Q15271936)?



We have properties for entity file numbers in many other jurisdictions. I figure Delaware is a great place to start for adding American entity file numbers, since (according to the Delaware Division of Corporations (Q87326346)) more than 66 percent of the Fortune 500 are Delaware corporations. PiperMcCorkle (talk) 23:42, 10 May 2022 (UTC)[reply]

