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Songbirds and Snakes

When I was a kid, there was a giant boom of interest in a series of books by Suzanne Collins, called The Hunger Games. I remember the interest reaching me when the first movie was set to release, only two years after the final book had been published. I knew about the books from those around me, but the movies seemed to spark even more excitement from friends and relatives, so I was told to see it in theaters, and encouraged to read the book. I had (and let's be honest, have) a terrible habit of deciding that I dislike things before I even give them a chance, if they are largely popular and the general public approves of them. It's a complex that I've been battling against more recently, trying to remember that popular things are popular for a reason, and perhaps they actually are pretty good. In 2012, when the first Hunger Games movie was released in theaters, however, I was not fighting against this inclination. I was in the throes of "I'm not like other girls...
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My 2019 in films

LADIES AND GENTLEMEN I'm not dead! Surprise! Midterms are a punch in the gut. Anyway, I don't want to talk about my life I want to talk about MOVIES. Since it is now the hard-to-believe year of 2020 I've been thinking, as most people do, about my 2019. Specifically, the movies I saw in 2019. I've compiled a list! I love lists! So, first of all, because I was raised right by my momma, I'm going to cite the list I gathered my list from. I went on IMDB and read through the first list of movies released in 2019 I could find. ( “ Feature Film, Released between 2019-01-01 and 2019-12-31.”  here's the   link )  I sorted the list by popularity and I stopped reading around movie 2,000 (?) or so partly because I was bored and partly because I reached foreign films I'd never heard of. This may not actually be every movie I saw, but we're going to trust that it is. Okay folks, let's get this show on the road! First I'm going to talk about movies I did se...

Frozen Two

"You don't want me following you into the fire? Then don't run into the fire." One of my favorite people to watch on Youtube is Jenny Nicholson. Jenny makes hilarious content, but it's also well-thought-out and educated. Although I will never directly copy from her content, she is a big reason why I started this blog, and therefore she is definitely an inspiration. I'm going to talk about Frozen Two today. Since Jenny tends to write her pieces in a relatively negative light, I didn't even watch her latest video about Frozen 2 yet. First I get my thoughts out, then I'll watch the video.    I don't know about all of you but Frozen was one of my favorite Disney movies for the longest time. The plot was entrancing, the animation was amazing, the songs made me happy (aside from the overplaying of " Let It Go " across the nation), and overall the movie just left me with warm fuzzy feelings. My roommate is a psych major and we had a very...

Obligatory "Welcome" Post

well, there's a first time for everything right? I remember in like 7th grade I was dead set that a friend of mine and I would start a blog together, write about our daily happenings, be so amusing and amazing that we become famous within a matter of days, and we finally could live the life we always dreamed of. Did we do that? No, and I don't even talk to the girl anymore. Wow, way to be dramatic.  Anyway, I am  starting a blog now, with deep intent to stay anonymous, and live the life I'm currently living, including a little more passionate rambling on a random website.  I like watching things. I think anyone who has ever met me will attest to this, and honestly, I'm proud of it. I love movies, television, vines (RIP) and pretty much any other media I can shove into my eyeballs. (Apparently, I also love gruesome metaphors, but that's beside the point)  I just want to find someplace to rant about my feelings towards things I watch. I'll avoid 300-page essays...