When I was a kid, there was a giant boom of interest in a series of books by Suzanne Collins, called The Hunger Games. I remember the interest reaching me when the first movie was set to release, only two years after the final book had been published. I knew about the books from those around me, but the movies seemed to spark even more excitement from friends and relatives, so I was told to see it in theaters, and encouraged to read the book. I had (and let's be honest, have) a terrible habit of deciding that I dislike things before I even give them a chance, if they are largely popular and the general public approves of them. It's a complex that I've been battling against more recently, trying to remember that popular things are popular for a reason, and perhaps they actually are pretty good. In 2012, when the first Hunger Games movie was released in theaters, however, I was not fighting against this inclination. I was in the throes of "I'm not like other girls...
LADIES AND GENTLEMEN I'm not dead! Surprise! Midterms are a punch in the gut. Anyway, I don't want to talk about my life I want to talk about MOVIES. Since it is now the hard-to-believe year of 2020 I've been thinking, as most people do, about my 2019. Specifically, the movies I saw in 2019. I've compiled a list! I love lists! So, first of all, because I was raised right by my momma, I'm going to cite the list I gathered my list from. I went on IMDB and read through the first list of movies released in 2019 I could find. ( “ Feature Film, Released between 2019-01-01 and 2019-12-31.” here's the link ) I sorted the list by popularity and I stopped reading around movie 2,000 (?) or so partly because I was bored and partly because I reached foreign films I'd never heard of. This may not actually be every movie I saw, but we're going to trust that it is. Okay folks, let's get this show on the road! First I'm going to talk about movies I did se...