
Hello and welcome to my webpage!
You can call me Damiano. This is where I put things that interest me.
Make yourself at home! Use the navigation to explore, and sign my guestbook if you feel inclined.
Some pages might be sparse, since I'm still working on adding more content.
This website is not just a nostalgic project for me, but also a way of creating a space on the internet for myself away from soul-sucking corporations and social media algorithms. It's a way of expressing myself and displaying things that I'm proud of. I hope you find some enjoyment in looking through it.
The whole site is fully mobile friendly, but I highly recommend viewing it on desktop if you are able, since it looks best there!
Link me!
Feel free to link back to me with this banner, and let me know if you'd like me to link you as well! I only ask that you don't hotlink—instead save the gif to your computer and reupload on your site.