Information we collect and receive if you use or interact with our Products but don’t have an account

Even if you don't have an account, you may interact with or use Meta Products. Then we collect things like:
  • Browser and app logs of your visits to public content, like Facebook Pages, videos and rooms
  • Basic information about devices that downloaded our apps, like device model and OS
We also receive information using cookies and similar technologies, like the Meta Pixel or Social Plugins, when you visit other websites and apps that use our Business Tools or other Meta Products. Read more about information we receive from partners, vendors and other third parties in this policy and in our Cookies Policy.

Examples of why we collect and receive information

Security of our Products

For example, we collect information to monitor attempted attacks on our systems, such as overloading our servers with traffic. Also, if we see someone without an account trying to load too many pages, they could be trying to scrape our site in violation of our terms. Then we can take action to prevent it.

Safety and integrity

For example, if someone without an account joins a room and shares a harmful video, we can take action according to our Community Standards. We can remove content that violates our terms and policies, or share information with law enforcement when we believe there is a genuine risk of death or imminent bodily harm.


For example, we collect information when people use our Products, even if they don’t have an account, to measure how fast our pages load in different countries and whether they're working properly. This helps us identify and fix issues with local networks.