Published inAndroid DevelopersPermissionless is the future of Storage on AndroidWhether it’s to change a profile avatar, share vacation pictures, or add an attachment to an email, selecting and sharing media files are…Oct 13, 20226Oct 13, 20226
Published inAndroid DevelopersPackage visibility in Android 11On Android 10 and earlier, apps could query the full list of installed apps on the system using methods like queryIntentActivities. In…Jun 30, 202017Jun 30, 202017
Published inAndroid DevelopersModern user storage on AndroidTo protect user data and reduce the amount of space consumed by apps, Android 10 introduced changes to the behavior of the external…Mar 11, 202011Mar 11, 202011
Setup your first Messenger ChatbotChat bots were the hype of 2016. We will see in 2017 if it’s wasn’t just part of a bubble. As it gets harder for companies to get their…Jan 8, 2017Jan 8, 2017
Published inIBM watsonx AssistantCreate your Slack bot with Conversation API & Node-REDAt IBM Watson, we’re always happy to continuously improve ourselves and bring new features to our users. As such, we released recently our…Aug 1, 20163Aug 1, 20163
Published inIBM watsonx AssistantCreate a flow in Node-RED using Watson APIsLast time, I wrote an article to show you how to start with Node-RED. In this post, I assume you already deployed your instance following…Jun 14, 20162Jun 14, 20162
Published inIBM watsonx AssistantGet started with Node-REDNode-RED is a project created by two IBMers, Nick O’Leary, and Dave Conway-Jones, as a visual tool for wiring together hardware devices…Jun 3, 2016Jun 3, 2016
Create native UI component in React NativeLast Tuesday, I presented a live coding session at the ReactJS meetup in Paris hosted by Deezer about creating UI components based on…Mar 24, 20163Mar 24, 20163
Published inLe chevalier de la FacepalmDe la complexité du travail du développeurOn va faire simple, on a commencé 2016 avec de la bonne rage:Jan 14, 2016Jan 14, 2016