The Alaşehir graben is a well-defined prominent extensional structure in western Turkey, generall... more The Alaşehir graben is a well-defined prominent extensional structure in western Turkey, generally trending E–W and containing four sedimentary units. At the beginning of graben formation during Early–Middle Miocene times, the first fault system was active and responsible for the accumulation of the first and second sedimentary units. In Pliocene times, a second fault system developed in the hanging wall of the first system and a third sedimentary unit was deposited. The recently active third fault system separates older graben fill and a fourth sedimentary unit. Activity on each fault system caused the rotation and uplift of previous systems, similar to the ‘flexural rotation/rolling hinge’ model, but our field observations indicate that the rotated first fault system is also active, allowing exhumation of larger amounts of rock units. This paper documents that graben formation in western Turkey is a sequential process. Its different periods are represented by three fault systems and associated sedimentation. Consequently, recent claims using age data from only the second and/or third sedimentary units to determine the timing of graben formation are misleading.
The Olba vertebrate locality, discovered in 1974, was mentioned in several publications, but its ... more The Olba vertebrate locality, discovered in 1974, was mentioned in several publications, but its fauna has never been studied. The locality is situated in the Sarrión Depression, on the road from La Escaleruela to Olba, and it is included in the lower unit of this depression, which unconformably covers the Jurassic-Cretaceous basement and the early Miocene deposits of the Rubielos de Mora graben. This paper presents an exhaustive study of the remains of large and small mammals that were collected by E. Moissenet and preserved up to the present time in the Paleontology collections of the Paris Natural History Museum. The major taxa represented in this material are Ruminantia (Lucentia iberica and ?Micromeryx sp.), Suidae (Microstonyx cf. major), Equidae (Hipparion sp.), Erinaceidae (Parasorex ibericus), Ochotonidae (Prolagus crusafonti) and the muroids (Hispanomys cf. adroveri and Occitanomys sp). An age of early-middle Turolian can be assigned to this fauna based on the similarities of these species with Crevillente 2 and Los Mansuetos, both in Spain, which are respectively the reference localities of the Neogene mammalian zones MN11 and MN12. The composition of the fauna is comparable to that of Turolian localities in the Calatayud-Teruel Basin, indicating an open woodland environment. Keywords Mammals Á Late Miocene Á Turolian Á Sarrión Depression Á Rubielos de Mora Basin Á Spain Kurzfassung Die 1974 entdeckte Wirbeltier-Fundstelle Olba wurde bereits in mehreren Arbeiten erwähnt, aber bis jetzt wurde die Fauna nicht detailliert untersucht. Die Fundstelle liegt in der Sarrion-Senke an der Straße zwischen La Escaleruela und Olba in Ostspanien. Sie ist Bestandteil der unteren Einheit dieser Senke, die diskordant auf der Jura-Kreide Beckenbasis und frühmiozänen Sedimente des Rubielos-de-Mora-Beckens liegt. Hier stellen wir eine umfangreiche Untersuchung der Groß-und Kleinsäugeresten vor, die sich in der paläontologischen Sammlung des naturhistorischen Museums in Paris befinden. In dieser Fundstelle konnten Vertreter der Ruminantia (Lucentia iberica and ?Micromeryx sp.), Suidae (Microstonyx cf. major), Equidae (Hipparion sp.), Erinaceidae (Parasorex ibericus), Ochotonidae (Prolagus crusafonti) und mäuseartigen (Hispanomys cf. adroveri und Occitanomys sp.) nachgewiesen werden. Das Alter der Fundstelle ist Fruh-bis Mittelturolium aufgrund von Ä hnlichkeiten der Arten mit denen aus Crevillente 2 und Los Mansuetos (Spanien), die Referenzfundstellen der Neogenen Säugetierzonen MN11 und MN12 darstellen. Die Wirbeltierfauna aus Olba ist vergleichbar mit Faunen aus den turolischen Fundstellen des Calatayud-Teruel Beckens, die auf eine Offenwald-Landschaft hindeuten.
Parmi l'abondante faune de grands et petits Mammif~res de ~alta existe un Murid~ nouveau: Euxinom... more Parmi l'abondante faune de grands et petits Mammif~res de ~alta existe un Murid~ nouveau: Euxinomys galaticus. Sa IV[ 1 se caract~rise par ses tu~ercules internes tr~s rec,ul~s, le tl s~par~ du t2, mais reli6 au t5. Les molaires inf~rieures poss~dent une forte cr~te m~diane lonoitudinale. L'esp~ce de Parapodemus similis des catacombes d'Odessa est rapport~e h ce nouveau genre. Euxinomys.
The locality of Çalta has yielded one of the richest collection of fossil canids belonging to the... more The locality of Çalta has yielded one of the richest collection of fossil canids belonging to the raccoon dog genus Nyctereutes Temminck, 1838. This locality is situated in central Anatolia and its age is determined as early Pliocene, c. 4 Ma. Ginsburg (1998) studied these canid remains and identified them as N. donnezani, which was previously known from some early Pliocene localities in southern France and Spain. Some later studies questioned this attribution. The present study provides a new description of all available material, housed in collections in Paris, Lyon and Ankara, and a detailed comparison of the cranial and dental characters with other known species of Nyctereutes. This study is completed by a cladistic analysis of cranial and dental characters to document the phylogenetic relationships of the Çalta raccoon dog. This analysis was done on the locality-based data, using the main occurrences of each species. Both morphological and cladistic analyses favour attribution of the Çalta raccoon dog to N. donnezani, in agreement with Ginsburg (1998). In addition, this study reveals that possible sexual dimorphism in the size and proportions of some cranial elements, such as stronger sagittal and nuchal crests, a better defined temporal line, a thicker zygomatic process of the maxillary bone, a braincase that is elongated but less round and, in particular, stronger subangular lobe in male individuals.
Les plus anciennes faunes de Rongeurs connues jusqu'/t present dans la r~gion ~g~enne sont d'gtge... more Les plus anciennes faunes de Rongeurs connues jusqu'/t present dans la r~gion ~g~enne sont d'gtge orl~anien. Durant le Miocene moyen, les faunes de l'Ouest sont marquees par l'abondance des Sciuridae tandis que celles de l'Est par les Cricetidae.
The provenance and age of camelid remains referred to Paracamelus cf. aguirrei by van der Made et... more The provenance and age of camelid remains referred to Paracamelus cf. aguirrei by van der Made et al. (2002, 2003) are here questioned. These authors stated that the fossil material was collected from Çobanpinar, a Late Miocene locality in Central Anatolia (Turkey). Here, we demonstrate that these fossils probably came from an archeological site near Yozgat that was investigated at the same time as Çobanpinar. This paper provides detailed information concerning the origin of the material, and discusses differences in fossilization characters and colouration between the camel specimens and the mammalian fossils from Çobanpinar.
A detailed assessment of postcranial fossils collected at Balouk Keui (Thrace, Greece) in the mid... more A detailed assessment of postcranial fossils collected at Balouk Keui (Thrace, Greece) in the mid-19th Century by the naturalist Auguste Viquesnel enabled us to identify the material as pertaining to Palaeotherium sp., cf. P. magnum, which constitutes the easternmost occurrence of the genus during the Eocene. We have constrained the geographic and stratigraphic provenance of the fossil by reassessing information about Viquesnel's itinerary and observations. Although the exact age of the fossil remains uncertain, the occurrence of a palaeothere in the Thrace Basin during the Eocene indicates a wider geographic distribution for the genus, which had previously been restricted to western and central Europe. The palaeothere of Balouk Keui confirms that the palaeogeographic range of this group included the Balkans during the middle-late Eocene. This discovery also shows that at least intermittent land connections between western Europe, Southeast Asia, and perhaps Central Iran facilitated mammalian dispersal during the middle-late Eocene, before the famous Grande Coupure.
Magnetostratigraphic research in continental deposits may serve as a useful tool to correlate wid... more Magnetostratigraphic research in continental deposits may serve as a useful tool to correlate widely different mammal assemblages from widely different areas like Europe and Asia. The role of Anatolia/Turkey in the history of Neogene mammal dispersal is evident and the present study marks the beginning of a combined magnetostratigraphic and mammal biostratigraphic project in this area.
Le gisement du Mioc6ne sup6rieur d'Injana (Irak) a livr6 les restes d'un Ovibovinae que nous attr... more Le gisement du Mioc6ne sup6rieur d'Injana (Irak) a livr6 les restes d'un Ovibovinae que nous attribuons ~t Parurmiatherium rugosifrons. Ce taxon n'6tait connu jusque 1/t, qu'~ Samos. Sa pr6sence ~ Injana renforce les similitudes d6jh observ6es, au moins pour les Bovid6s, entre ces deux faunes. L'Irak constitue la limite la plus m6ridionale de l'aire d'extension des Ovibovinae au Mioc6ne sup6rieur dans la province gr6co-iranienne.
Since the discovery of the megaherbivore Arsinoitherium zitteli Beadnell (early Oligocene of Egyp... more Since the discovery of the megaherbivore Arsinoitherium zitteli Beadnell (early Oligocene of Egypt), the extinct order Embrithopoda has remained an enigmatic group, with disputed affinities among ungulates. In this study, new specimens of Palaeoamasia kansui from the early Palaeogene of Turkey are described and a synthetic dental terminology is proposed for embrithopods. Based on 130 cranial-mandibular and dental characters, the first phylogenetic analysis of embrithopods is carried out in aim to enhance the position of Palaeoamasia within embrithopods. The monophyly of Embrithopoda is confirmed, following the topology [Phenacolophus, [Namatherium, [Arsinoitheriinae, Palaeamasiinae]]]. However, phylogenetic relationships between Eurasian embrithopods (Palaeoamasiinae: Palaeoamasia, Crivadiatherium, and Hypsamasia) remain unresolved. The integration of all
... Amsterdam -Printed in The Netherlands 167 [4] Magnetostratigraphy of late Miocene continental... more ... Amsterdam -Printed in The Netherlands 167 [4] Magnetostratigraphy of late Miocene continental deposits in Samos, Greece Sevket Sen and Jean ... 50,000 specimens have been collected from the island and these are now distributed in more than 30 museums and universities in ...
HAL (Le Centre pour la Communication Scientifique Directe), 2004
In order to better constrain the tectonic evolution of central Asia under the influence of the In... more In order to better constrain the tectonic evolution of central Asia under the influence of the India-Asia collision, we carried out a magnetostratigraphic study at the Kuitun He section, on the northern flank of the Tianshan range (northwest China). A total of 801 samples were collected from a 1559-m-thick section, which is composed mainly of fluvio-lacustrine sandstone and conglomerate. Stepwise thermal and alternating field demagnetization isolated a linear magnetization component that decays univectorally toward the origin and likely represents a primary magnetization principally carried by magnetite. From this component, 29 magnetic polarity intervals were identified. They correlate between~3.1 and~10.5 Ma with the reference magnetic polarity time scale, indicating a relatively constant sedimentation rate with an average of 0.21F0.01 mm/year. We also performed a suite of rock magnetic experiments designed to track time-transgressive changes in the sedimentary record. From the rock magnetic parameters, together with the constant sedimentation rate, we conclude that the Tianshan mountains were actively uplifting by~10.5 Ma.
Pliocene vertebrate locality of Calta. Ankara, Turkey. 10. Bovidae. The Pliocene mammal locality ... more Pliocene vertebrate locality of Calta. Ankara, Turkey. 10. Bovidae. The Pliocene mammal locality of Calta (Turkey) has yielded five bovid genera. Gazella emilii n.sp. shows close affinities with some gazelles from Central Asia, but the Turkish species has very specialized lengthened metapods. Tchaltacerus longicornis n.g. n.sp. shows caprine characters: wide projection of the rim of the orbits, wide basioccipital, short metapods. The third bovid, unfortunatly known by very few pieces, could be more or less closely related to Koufotragus bailloudi. A partial horn core and two mandibular fragments are close to Gazellospira. A mandible and one upper molar are assigned to Hippotragini. Tchaltacerus would have lived in quite mountainous areas, but the other bovids are open country dwellers.
Bulletin of the mineral research and exploration, Feb 1, 1975
RESUME.-Aux environs du village de Çandır, au NE d'Ankara, pres de Kalecik, on a decouvert un gis... more RESUME.-Aux environs du village de Çandır, au NE d'Ankara, pres de Kalecik, on a decouvert un gisement tortonien contenant une faune tres riche. Une nouvelle espece l'Alloptox a ete reconnue. Cette forme anatolienne de ce genre, connu uniquement en Mongolie, est nomme Alloptox anatoliensis n. sp.
The Alaşehir graben is a well-defined prominent extensional structure in western Turkey, generall... more The Alaşehir graben is a well-defined prominent extensional structure in western Turkey, generally trending E–W and containing four sedimentary units. At the beginning of graben formation during Early–Middle Miocene times, the first fault system was active and responsible for the accumulation of the first and second sedimentary units. In Pliocene times, a second fault system developed in the hanging wall of the first system and a third sedimentary unit was deposited. The recently active third fault system separates older graben fill and a fourth sedimentary unit. Activity on each fault system caused the rotation and uplift of previous systems, similar to the ‘flexural rotation/rolling hinge’ model, but our field observations indicate that the rotated first fault system is also active, allowing exhumation of larger amounts of rock units. This paper documents that graben formation in western Turkey is a sequential process. Its different periods are represented by three fault systems and associated sedimentation. Consequently, recent claims using age data from only the second and/or third sedimentary units to determine the timing of graben formation are misleading.
The Olba vertebrate locality, discovered in 1974, was mentioned in several publications, but its ... more The Olba vertebrate locality, discovered in 1974, was mentioned in several publications, but its fauna has never been studied. The locality is situated in the Sarrión Depression, on the road from La Escaleruela to Olba, and it is included in the lower unit of this depression, which unconformably covers the Jurassic-Cretaceous basement and the early Miocene deposits of the Rubielos de Mora graben. This paper presents an exhaustive study of the remains of large and small mammals that were collected by E. Moissenet and preserved up to the present time in the Paleontology collections of the Paris Natural History Museum. The major taxa represented in this material are Ruminantia (Lucentia iberica and ?Micromeryx sp.), Suidae (Microstonyx cf. major), Equidae (Hipparion sp.), Erinaceidae (Parasorex ibericus), Ochotonidae (Prolagus crusafonti) and the muroids (Hispanomys cf. adroveri and Occitanomys sp). An age of early-middle Turolian can be assigned to this fauna based on the similarities of these species with Crevillente 2 and Los Mansuetos, both in Spain, which are respectively the reference localities of the Neogene mammalian zones MN11 and MN12. The composition of the fauna is comparable to that of Turolian localities in the Calatayud-Teruel Basin, indicating an open woodland environment. Keywords Mammals Á Late Miocene Á Turolian Á Sarrión Depression Á Rubielos de Mora Basin Á Spain Kurzfassung Die 1974 entdeckte Wirbeltier-Fundstelle Olba wurde bereits in mehreren Arbeiten erwähnt, aber bis jetzt wurde die Fauna nicht detailliert untersucht. Die Fundstelle liegt in der Sarrion-Senke an der Straße zwischen La Escaleruela und Olba in Ostspanien. Sie ist Bestandteil der unteren Einheit dieser Senke, die diskordant auf der Jura-Kreide Beckenbasis und frühmiozänen Sedimente des Rubielos-de-Mora-Beckens liegt. Hier stellen wir eine umfangreiche Untersuchung der Groß-und Kleinsäugeresten vor, die sich in der paläontologischen Sammlung des naturhistorischen Museums in Paris befinden. In dieser Fundstelle konnten Vertreter der Ruminantia (Lucentia iberica and ?Micromeryx sp.), Suidae (Microstonyx cf. major), Equidae (Hipparion sp.), Erinaceidae (Parasorex ibericus), Ochotonidae (Prolagus crusafonti) und mäuseartigen (Hispanomys cf. adroveri und Occitanomys sp.) nachgewiesen werden. Das Alter der Fundstelle ist Fruh-bis Mittelturolium aufgrund von Ä hnlichkeiten der Arten mit denen aus Crevillente 2 und Los Mansuetos (Spanien), die Referenzfundstellen der Neogenen Säugetierzonen MN11 und MN12 darstellen. Die Wirbeltierfauna aus Olba ist vergleichbar mit Faunen aus den turolischen Fundstellen des Calatayud-Teruel Beckens, die auf eine Offenwald-Landschaft hindeuten.
Parmi l'abondante faune de grands et petits Mammif~res de ~alta existe un Murid~ nouveau: Euxinom... more Parmi l'abondante faune de grands et petits Mammif~res de ~alta existe un Murid~ nouveau: Euxinomys galaticus. Sa IV[ 1 se caract~rise par ses tu~ercules internes tr~s rec,ul~s, le tl s~par~ du t2, mais reli6 au t5. Les molaires inf~rieures poss~dent une forte cr~te m~diane lonoitudinale. L'esp~ce de Parapodemus similis des catacombes d'Odessa est rapport~e h ce nouveau genre. Euxinomys.
The locality of Çalta has yielded one of the richest collection of fossil canids belonging to the... more The locality of Çalta has yielded one of the richest collection of fossil canids belonging to the raccoon dog genus Nyctereutes Temminck, 1838. This locality is situated in central Anatolia and its age is determined as early Pliocene, c. 4 Ma. Ginsburg (1998) studied these canid remains and identified them as N. donnezani, which was previously known from some early Pliocene localities in southern France and Spain. Some later studies questioned this attribution. The present study provides a new description of all available material, housed in collections in Paris, Lyon and Ankara, and a detailed comparison of the cranial and dental characters with other known species of Nyctereutes. This study is completed by a cladistic analysis of cranial and dental characters to document the phylogenetic relationships of the Çalta raccoon dog. This analysis was done on the locality-based data, using the main occurrences of each species. Both morphological and cladistic analyses favour attribution of the Çalta raccoon dog to N. donnezani, in agreement with Ginsburg (1998). In addition, this study reveals that possible sexual dimorphism in the size and proportions of some cranial elements, such as stronger sagittal and nuchal crests, a better defined temporal line, a thicker zygomatic process of the maxillary bone, a braincase that is elongated but less round and, in particular, stronger subangular lobe in male individuals.
Les plus anciennes faunes de Rongeurs connues jusqu'/t present dans la r~gion ~g~enne sont d'gtge... more Les plus anciennes faunes de Rongeurs connues jusqu'/t present dans la r~gion ~g~enne sont d'gtge orl~anien. Durant le Miocene moyen, les faunes de l'Ouest sont marquees par l'abondance des Sciuridae tandis que celles de l'Est par les Cricetidae.
The provenance and age of camelid remains referred to Paracamelus cf. aguirrei by van der Made et... more The provenance and age of camelid remains referred to Paracamelus cf. aguirrei by van der Made et al. (2002, 2003) are here questioned. These authors stated that the fossil material was collected from Çobanpinar, a Late Miocene locality in Central Anatolia (Turkey). Here, we demonstrate that these fossils probably came from an archeological site near Yozgat that was investigated at the same time as Çobanpinar. This paper provides detailed information concerning the origin of the material, and discusses differences in fossilization characters and colouration between the camel specimens and the mammalian fossils from Çobanpinar.
A detailed assessment of postcranial fossils collected at Balouk Keui (Thrace, Greece) in the mid... more A detailed assessment of postcranial fossils collected at Balouk Keui (Thrace, Greece) in the mid-19th Century by the naturalist Auguste Viquesnel enabled us to identify the material as pertaining to Palaeotherium sp., cf. P. magnum, which constitutes the easternmost occurrence of the genus during the Eocene. We have constrained the geographic and stratigraphic provenance of the fossil by reassessing information about Viquesnel's itinerary and observations. Although the exact age of the fossil remains uncertain, the occurrence of a palaeothere in the Thrace Basin during the Eocene indicates a wider geographic distribution for the genus, which had previously been restricted to western and central Europe. The palaeothere of Balouk Keui confirms that the palaeogeographic range of this group included the Balkans during the middle-late Eocene. This discovery also shows that at least intermittent land connections between western Europe, Southeast Asia, and perhaps Central Iran facilitated mammalian dispersal during the middle-late Eocene, before the famous Grande Coupure.
Magnetostratigraphic research in continental deposits may serve as a useful tool to correlate wid... more Magnetostratigraphic research in continental deposits may serve as a useful tool to correlate widely different mammal assemblages from widely different areas like Europe and Asia. The role of Anatolia/Turkey in the history of Neogene mammal dispersal is evident and the present study marks the beginning of a combined magnetostratigraphic and mammal biostratigraphic project in this area.
Le gisement du Mioc6ne sup6rieur d'Injana (Irak) a livr6 les restes d'un Ovibovinae que nous attr... more Le gisement du Mioc6ne sup6rieur d'Injana (Irak) a livr6 les restes d'un Ovibovinae que nous attribuons ~t Parurmiatherium rugosifrons. Ce taxon n'6tait connu jusque 1/t, qu'~ Samos. Sa pr6sence ~ Injana renforce les similitudes d6jh observ6es, au moins pour les Bovid6s, entre ces deux faunes. L'Irak constitue la limite la plus m6ridionale de l'aire d'extension des Ovibovinae au Mioc6ne sup6rieur dans la province gr6co-iranienne.
Since the discovery of the megaherbivore Arsinoitherium zitteli Beadnell (early Oligocene of Egyp... more Since the discovery of the megaherbivore Arsinoitherium zitteli Beadnell (early Oligocene of Egypt), the extinct order Embrithopoda has remained an enigmatic group, with disputed affinities among ungulates. In this study, new specimens of Palaeoamasia kansui from the early Palaeogene of Turkey are described and a synthetic dental terminology is proposed for embrithopods. Based on 130 cranial-mandibular and dental characters, the first phylogenetic analysis of embrithopods is carried out in aim to enhance the position of Palaeoamasia within embrithopods. The monophyly of Embrithopoda is confirmed, following the topology [Phenacolophus, [Namatherium, [Arsinoitheriinae, Palaeamasiinae]]]. However, phylogenetic relationships between Eurasian embrithopods (Palaeoamasiinae: Palaeoamasia, Crivadiatherium, and Hypsamasia) remain unresolved. The integration of all
... Amsterdam -Printed in The Netherlands 167 [4] Magnetostratigraphy of late Miocene continental... more ... Amsterdam -Printed in The Netherlands 167 [4] Magnetostratigraphy of late Miocene continental deposits in Samos, Greece Sevket Sen and Jean ... 50,000 specimens have been collected from the island and these are now distributed in more than 30 museums and universities in ...
HAL (Le Centre pour la Communication Scientifique Directe), 2004
In order to better constrain the tectonic evolution of central Asia under the influence of the In... more In order to better constrain the tectonic evolution of central Asia under the influence of the India-Asia collision, we carried out a magnetostratigraphic study at the Kuitun He section, on the northern flank of the Tianshan range (northwest China). A total of 801 samples were collected from a 1559-m-thick section, which is composed mainly of fluvio-lacustrine sandstone and conglomerate. Stepwise thermal and alternating field demagnetization isolated a linear magnetization component that decays univectorally toward the origin and likely represents a primary magnetization principally carried by magnetite. From this component, 29 magnetic polarity intervals were identified. They correlate between~3.1 and~10.5 Ma with the reference magnetic polarity time scale, indicating a relatively constant sedimentation rate with an average of 0.21F0.01 mm/year. We also performed a suite of rock magnetic experiments designed to track time-transgressive changes in the sedimentary record. From the rock magnetic parameters, together with the constant sedimentation rate, we conclude that the Tianshan mountains were actively uplifting by~10.5 Ma.
Pliocene vertebrate locality of Calta. Ankara, Turkey. 10. Bovidae. The Pliocene mammal locality ... more Pliocene vertebrate locality of Calta. Ankara, Turkey. 10. Bovidae. The Pliocene mammal locality of Calta (Turkey) has yielded five bovid genera. Gazella emilii n.sp. shows close affinities with some gazelles from Central Asia, but the Turkish species has very specialized lengthened metapods. Tchaltacerus longicornis n.g. n.sp. shows caprine characters: wide projection of the rim of the orbits, wide basioccipital, short metapods. The third bovid, unfortunatly known by very few pieces, could be more or less closely related to Koufotragus bailloudi. A partial horn core and two mandibular fragments are close to Gazellospira. A mandible and one upper molar are assigned to Hippotragini. Tchaltacerus would have lived in quite mountainous areas, but the other bovids are open country dwellers.
Bulletin of the mineral research and exploration, Feb 1, 1975
RESUME.-Aux environs du village de Çandır, au NE d'Ankara, pres de Kalecik, on a decouvert un gis... more RESUME.-Aux environs du village de Çandır, au NE d'Ankara, pres de Kalecik, on a decouvert un gisement tortonien contenant une faune tres riche. Une nouvelle espece l'Alloptox a ete reconnue. Cette forme anatolienne de ce genre, connu uniquement en Mongolie, est nomme Alloptox anatoliensis n. sp.
Papers by Sevket Sen