Papers by Natalia Kharitonova

Aquatic Geochemistry, 2021
Spring waters with high-pCO2 content are widely distributed in the Sikhote-Alin region in Russia.... more Spring waters with high-pCO2 content are widely distributed in the Sikhote-Alin region in Russia. Mukhen spa is one such spring located in the northern Sikhote-Alin region. This spa has two types of upwelling spring waters and exhibits distinct chemical signatures. One of the springs originates from a shallow aquifer and features hydrogen and oxygen isotopic ratios of meteoric water with a high 3He/4He ratio, whereas the other originates from a deeper aquifer and features a distinctly negative δ18O with a lower 3He/4He ratio. To understand this apparent discrepancy and the water circulation dynamics beneath Mukhen springs, we utilized all published data concerning the major solute elements and isotopic ratios of Mukhen spring waters and compared them with the He isotopic compositions on several springs in the far eastern region, which are newly analyzed in this study. The results show that the shallow aquifer comprises meteoric water that interacts with the crust enhanced by the gas...
Geochemistry International, 2020
The paper presents recently acquired data on the chemical composition of mineral springs in the P... more The paper presents recently acquired data on the chemical composition of mineral springs in the Pamirs (Firuza-MGU and Garm-Chashma) and the foothills of the Tien Shan (Tandykul, Obigarm, and Khodzhaobigarm) and discusses their geological settings. The first data are acquired on the trace-element composition of the waters of the springs. The calculated B/Cl, B/Br, and Li : Rb : Cs ratios are used to reproduce the origin parameters of mineral waters in the area. The paleotemperatures of the waters are evaluated by the Na-K geothermometer at 136 to 240°C and indicate that the waters were formed at significant depths. First data acquired on the δ 18 O and δD of the thermal waters indicate that these waters are most likely of meteoric provenance, with the insignificant deviation from the line of meteoric waters caused by overprinted processes.
E3S Web of Conferences, 2019
Two types of cold CO2 rich groundwaters are located within the northern part of the Sikhote-Alin ... more Two types of cold CO2 rich groundwaters are located within the northern part of the Sikhote-Alin ridge: the first type is a Ca–Mg–HCO3 water with low TDS content (≤ 1.7 g/l) and high concentrations of Fe2+, Mn2+, Ba2+, and SiO2, whilst the second type is a Na–HCO3 water with a high TDS content (≈ 14 g/l) and elevated concentrations of Li+, Btot, Sr2+, Br–, and I–. A notable feature of these waters is a predominance of CO2 in the gas phase (up to 99 vol. %) and low contents of other gases (CH4, N2, O2, etc.). The origins of both water types can be identified on the basis of water (δD, δ18O) and gas (δ13C, 3He/4He, 4He/20Ne) isotopic compositions considered in the context of the geology and hydrology of the region.
Moscow University Bulletin. Series 4. Geology, 2018
This article provides detailed information about the geological setting and the chemical composit... more This article provides detailed information about the geological setting and the chemical composition of some thermal springs (Garm-Chashma, Firuza-MGU, Tandykul, Obigarm, Khojaоbigarm) located within the Pamirs and the Tien Shan mountain systems. This is the first report describing the micro components data for investigated springs obtained by the ICP-MS method. The calculated ratios of B:Cl, B:Br and Li:Rb:Cs allow to define the genesis of the studied thermal springs. New data on the contents of 18O and D indicate that the studied thermal waters are most likely meteoric, while a slight drift from the meteoric water line is the result of isotope fractionation in water-rock-gas processes. The estimated subsurface temperatures for these thermal waters vary from 136 °C to 240 °C based on the K:Na geothermometer.

Journal of Hydrology, 2018
Isotopic and chemical data on the mineral water, mud volcanoes fluid and associated gases from th... more Isotopic and chemical data on the mineral water, mud volcanoes fluid and associated gases from the biggest Russian island Sakhalin, together with previous stable isotope data (d 18 O, dD, 13 C), allow elucidation of their origin and general evolution. The water fluid circulation is mainly related to marine environment inducing three distinct types: Na-HCO 3 -Cl alkali carbonate groundwaters, Na-Cl-HCO 3 highly evolved saline and Na-Cl mature groundwaters, indicating different evolution. Chemical evolution of groundwater on Sakhalin Island demonstrated cation exchange and salinization as dominant evolutionary pathways. Isotopic composition of groundwaters varies from meteoric to metamorphic waters. These metamorphic waters consist of water hydration from the clay and seawater are traced in fluids of Yuzhno-Sakhalin mud volcano despite modification by mixing with meteoric waters and water-rock interaction processes. Fault systems that define the areas of highly mineralized water circulation appear to play a major role in the CO 2 migration to the surface and CH 4 generation. The d 13 C(CO 2 ) values have pointed that gas phase in high-pCO 2 waters mostly consists of mantle-derived CO 2 . The carbon isotope signature of methane d 13 C(CH 4 ) and dD(CH 4 ) indicates its distinct origin which is specified by tectonics. Methane manifestation in the south of the Sakhalin Island is mainly related to thermogenic reservoirs as they are more often dislocate by tectonics, and crossed by active and permeable faults. The sources of biogenous methane in the north of Sakhalin Island is related to younger and shallower reservoirs, and less affected by tectonic processes. The determinations of 222 Rn have allowed observing that maximal radon flux is associated with high pCO 2 waters.
Moscow University Geology Bulletin, 2017
Abstract⎯This study presents the mineralogical and geochemical characteristics of tailing dumps a... more Abstract⎯This study presents the mineralogical and geochemical characteristics of tailing dumps at the Krasnorechenskaya concentration mill (Primorskii krai, Russia). Primary ore minerals and newly forming mineral assemblages were also investigated. According to the obtained data, the possible reserves of the major elements accumulated in these tailings were estimated. It was shown that the tailing dumps at the Krasnorechenskaya concentration mill are potentially promising for secondary recovery. The tailing sediment has natural geochemical stratification and the specific correlations of elements are typical for each selected layer.
Procedia Earth and Planetary Science, 2017
A 10-year monitoring period of rare earth element and yttrium (REY) contents and REY pattern shap... more A 10-year monitoring period of rare earth element and yttrium (REY) contents and REY pattern shapes was carried in four different types of groundwater (fresh, rich-CO 2 , low thermal and brackish) from Sikhote Alin ridge. Obtained data reveals that REY concentrations and behavior strongly vary in different chemical groundwater types and depend on many factors, including the pH-Eh parameters, TDS and the composition of the bedrocks. Speciation calculations of REY were carried out using the computer program SELECTOR-Windows with the SPRONGS88 database of thermodynamic parameters.
Proceedings of the 12th International Symposium on Water-Rock Interaction, Kunming, China, 31 July - 5 August 2007, 2007

IOP Conference Series: Earth and Environmental Science, 2020
The chemical composition of mineral waters as well as the diversity, quantity and distribution pe... more The chemical composition of mineral waters as well as the diversity, quantity and distribution peculiarities of different functional groups of bacteria in microbial mats in Sakhalin mineral springs was studied. The prevalence of sodium cations in the composition of bicarbonate anions and chloride ions was noticed. The studied waters were substantially enriched with silicone, iodine, boron, iron and strontium. It was established that the main morphogenic bacteria in the mats of cold springs were the colorless sulfur bacteria Thiotrix sp. The microbial mats formed at the outlets of Sakhalin mineral springs contain a high quantity of different functional bacteria groups that play an important role in the geochemical cycles of carbon, nitrogen, sulfur, iron and manganese. Prevalence of bacteria of sulfur and carbon cycles is a peculiarity of microbial mats in Antonovsky and Nevelsky mineral waters. The important role of sulfur cycle bacteria is confirmed by high quantities of thionic, s...
E3S Web of Conferences, 2019
Low-enthalpy thermal waters (30-50°C) of HCO3-Na and HCO3-SO4-Na types with nitrogen as a dominan... more Low-enthalpy thermal waters (30-50°C) of HCO3-Na and HCO3-SO4-Na types with nitrogen as a dominant associated gas discharge on the southern continental margin of the Russian Far East and traditionally are of great importance for recreation and balneology facilities. All studied thermal waters have meteoric origin and relate to Palaeocene granite intrusions. Based on the chemical characteristics and isotopic composition, thermal waters are divided onto “immature” thermal waters with a short residence time (3H=1.3±0.2TU), and “mature” thermal waters (3H=0.3±0.2TU) originated as a result of a longer evolution history (more than 60 years). The chemical composition of waters is largely determined by water-rock interactions, residence time and the local geothermal gradient.
E3S Web of Conferences, 2019
The paper presents data on the content and distribution of rare earth elements (REE) in the high ... more The paper presents data on the content and distribution of rare earth elements (REE) in the high pCO2 mineral waters of the Caucasus mountain-folded region. It is shown that the concentrations of REEtotal are rather high in the studied waters. However, they vary in a very wide range (from 0.46 to 50.37 µg/L). A characteristic feature of these waters is the predominance of light REE in comparison with heavy REE in them. The distinct correlation of REEtotal in the solution from the concentration of iron and aluminum in it indicates that the absolute contents of REE in the mineral waters of the region are regulated not only by pH and Eh of the solution but also by the content of these elements in it.
E3S Web of Conferences, 2019
The geochemistry of rare earth elements in cold, high pCO2 mineral waters was studied through the... more The geochemistry of rare earth elements in cold, high pCO2 mineral waters was studied through the sampling of springs and boreholes of Sakhalin Island (the Russian Far East). The main common features of studied waters are the Na-Cl-HCO3 hydrochemical type, high TDS (6–20 g/L), alkaline pH (6.2–7.4), and reducing environment (-195 to +62 mV). The North American Shale Composite-normalized patterns of groundwaters exhibited a heavy REEs enrichment with high positive Eu anomalies. Both, positive and negative Ce anomalies were detected in CO2-rich mineral waters. The distinct positive Eu/Eu* in waters indicates water-rock interaction processes and positive Ce/Ce* corresponds to reducing conditions. The various processes responsible for negative Ce anomaly in reducing environment are described.

Doklady Earth Sciences, 2017
The results of studies of the ion-salt, gas, and isotopic compositions of unique СО 2 -saturated ... more The results of studies of the ion-salt, gas, and isotopic compositions of unique СО 2 -saturated cold mineral waters from the Mukhen deposit, as well as the results of calculation of equilibrium in the water-rock system, are presented. Taking these data and the geological structure of the territory into account, it was shown that the source of water solutions is atmospheric precipitates and the source of СО 2 is buried rocks that undergo metamorphism. The long-term interaction in the water-rock-СО 2 system has provided uniquely high salinity to these waters. The scale formation of secondary minerals (clays of different composition and Ca and Mg carbonates) in the system determined НСО 3 -Na and an atypical isotopic composition of the waters. The concept developed has established that СО 2 -saturated mineral waters are formed as a result of migration of СО 2 from the deeper crustal zones through the zones of tectonic faults and the subsequent chemical interaction with infiltration waters, rather than because of magmatic or volcanic activity.

Russian Geology and Geophysics, 2017
We present the chemical and isotope compositions of the water and gas phases of the unique Mukhen... more We present the chemical and isotope compositions of the water and gas phases of the unique Mukhen cold high-pCO2 spa. Estimated δ18O, δD, and δ13CTIC values and data on geology and hydrogeology of the studied area indicate that the source of the groundwaters is meteoric waters, whereas carbon dioxide is of deep genesis and numerous regional faults are gas-feeding channels. Calculations of equilibrium reactions in the water–rock system show that the upper-aquifer waters (HCO3–Ca–Mg) with low TDS are undersaturated with carbonate minerals, montmorillonites, and aluminosilicates but are oversaturated with kaolinite, whereas the lower-aquifer waters (HCO3–Na) with high TDS are oversaturated with calcite, dolomite, and clay minerals but are undersaturated with main aluminosilicates. We propose a new concept of the formation of these groundwaters, demonstrating that long interaction between rocks and groundwaters in the presence of CO2 and considerable precipitation of secondary minerals ...
Procedia Earth and Planetary Science, 2013
This is the first report describing the parallel measurement of deuterium (δD), tritium ( 3 H), a... more This is the first report describing the parallel measurement of deuterium (δD), tritium ( 3 H), and oxygen-18 (δ 18 O) in precipitation, seawater, surface and groundwater in relation to the Russian Far East. δD and δ 18 O demonstrate that the studied waters have a meteoric origin, and variations are the result of water-rock-gas interactions. All studied waters reveal obvious "latitudinal" and "continental" effects: there is a universal decrease in δ 18 О and δD from the south to the north, and from the ocean inland. The background level of 3 H is 20 TU in Amursky region's rivers, 13 TU in Primorsky region's rivers, and 5.5 TU in one of the Kuril Islands. The majority of studied groundwaters have short residence times.
Papers by Natalia Kharitonova