High/Middle School Art

206 Pins
FlaviaLovatelli - Etsy
Magazine paper rolled up and glued to a balloon. Burst balloon after drying. #DIY
Giant Jewel Beetles, Euchroma gigantea
First time since 2017! A personal favorite and not often available. This package includes one specimen of Euchroma gigantea from Peru. Their coloration is a metallic pinkish/purple that changes to emerald green when moved under light. Gorgeous and huge!! Size is 2.25-2.5 inches long and about an inch wide. Easy to mount, and they look really cool with their wings spread out. See my instructional video on how to mount beetles here: www.insectartonline.com
Trovelore Brooch: Red Opulenta Beetle
ESSE’s offers high-quality and highly unusual handbags, as well as jewelry; scarves; wallets; and other items — many handcrafted by artisans.
Purple Scarab Beetle Wall Decal
Purple Scarab Beetle Wall Decal – WallMonkeys.com
Pink/purple Jewel Beetles, Real Dried Beetle Insect Unmounted Chrysochroa Buqueti Rugicollis - Etsy
Pink/Purple Jewel Beetles Real Dried Beetle Insect Unmounted
Pack of 3 Scarab Beetles Kibakoganea Yoshitomii , for All Your Taxidermy Art Projects - Etsy
Supplies for taxidermy art dried insects : Pack of 5 | Etsy
Chrysina resplendens A1 perfect quality One Real Metallic gold scarab beetle Costa Rica unmounted pinned
We have a much wider variety of items available on our website: www.BicBugs.com All of our insects are hand raised or from sustainable sources such as butterfly farms and aviaries. People in third world countries are cutting down the forest to plant mass crops, which are more profitable than what the natural land provides. By creating a market for insects as artwork and educational specimens we are giving them motivation to maintain the insect populations and their natural habitats. Your purchas
Art Prints & Printed Wall Decor | Society6