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A pop of color goes a long way! Watch as @createacolorfullife__ adds the perfect finishing touch to this magical and vibrant room, with our William Morris Roman Shades in color Sunflower Vintage Blue.
Modern Crystal Drum Chandelier
Specification Product Name: Modern Crystal Drum Chandelier Main Material: Iron Filler: Crystal Product Features Featuring a modern drum design, this crystal chandelier combines a silver metal frame and shiny crystal pendant to suit any modern or…
Benjamin Moore Chantilly Lace Paint Color Palette, Best White Paint, Cabinet, Ceiling, Whole House Paint Colors, OC-65
About this guide This is a 32-page guide featuring Chantilly Lace and 8 other fabulous coordinating colors. Picking out paint colors for your new home, renovation, or room makeover can feel very overwhelming. I am a certified True Colour Expert who has done numerous color consultations, and I am here to make this easy for you! These Paint Palettes give you the confidence to make great color selections for every room in your house. Each 32+ page guide comes in a PDF format so you can easily download it (and print it, if you choose). This valuable guide contains the following details: +My two favorite white trim and ceiling colors (the ones I use the most) +My five favorite white paint colors with photo examples +Nine curated paint colors clearly labeled +A description of each color (thin
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