Shhh I’m Introverting

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Introverts have so many amazing thoughts
but they rarely translate into words easily
Don’t ever be scared to cancel plans with me
I’ll hop back in bed so fast
I need a day between every day
to recover from the day before
I’m the friend you can cancel on
I wasn’t going anyway
People always tell introverts to be more talkative
and leave their comfort zones
Introverts don’t just enjoy alone time
we need it to function
I love to think
rather than talk
I have a special talent of turning excitement
into anxiety in 0.01 second
Honestly I don’t even play an active role in my life anymore
stuff just happens
My sleeping pattern ain’t even a pattern anymore
it’s a freestyle that’s on shuffle
It’s me and my 4 hours of sleep
against the world
I want whatever the people who
run at 6 am have