shower back wall - color change

most pix show 2 walls - always looks good with color change / ? is when u can see 3rd wall - ie opposing wall / does not look good if opposing are same color with back different (consistent with bath wall analysis) / ? so does it look good if color is "L" & if so which color should back wall be - black or grey / 1st row shows L looks good where u can see all 3 walls / &which color should niche pick up 1.floor2.opposing wall3.L // think room = 2 L's / grey shower and door / black tub and vanity
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Banheiro pequeno. revestimento em porcelanato tipo "cimento queimado" e pastilhas de vidro vermelhas. A portobello é uma das maiores produtoras no segmento: Porcelanato - (BAUHAUS CEMENT 60X60 RET) Pastilha de vidro - (DROP CEREJA 30X30 TEL)
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shows black switching to grey looks good would be ok if niche was 2/3 and black suround
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hier ist der naturfarbener Anhydritestrich als Boden durchgängig verlegt.
Minimalistische badkamer - I LOVE MY INTERIOR
Need to figure out where to get the glass wall and also the dimentions if that would fit. Love this layout & the simple definition of the handbasin by way of the frame [in steel?]
Hotel room
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Welkom bij Sanidrõme, de betere badkamer
Mede dankzij de adviezen van Sanidrõme is onze badkamer helemaal geworden wat we er van verwachtten. De Sanidrõme badkamerspecialist heeft ons eerst uitgebreid voorgelicht over alle mogelijkheden. En eerlijk gezegd kwam zij met tips waar we zelf helemaal niet aan gedacht hadden. Neem de plaats van het bad en de grote inloopdouche; vanuit de slaapkamer loop je zo de douche in.