My Loc Journey

This board is all about my loc journey, loc journey before and after, loc journey progress, loc journey phases, my dreadlock journey, and 1 year dreadlock journey.
231 Pins
How do I make my locs look fresh?
Are you wondering, "what should I put in my dreads everyday?" This website provides the best advice for maintaining starter and mature locs and teaches you how to grow beautiful locs. If you're wanting to make your new dreads look better, check out this site!
How do you get perfect dreads?
If you're wondering how do you grow beautiful locs and how can I make my new dreads look better, this website will teach you exactly how!
Beautiful locs styles
Do locs look good on anyone? This is a common question people have and my opinion is that yes, they can look great on anybody so long that they're well taken care of. In this website, you will get answers to all the common questions like "do locs damage hair?" and "do dreads naturally get thicker" as well as learn how to properly take care of them so they grow long and beautiful.
Beautiful natural locs
If you want cute dreadlocks and want to see female dreadlocks styles, check out this website for starter locs advice and everything you need to know in order to have beautiful locs forever.
Dreadlocks inspiration
If you need dreadlocks inspo for ladies and are wondering how do I style my dreads, ways to wear dreads, and how to keep dreads clean and growing long, check out this website where you will learn everything you need to know about keeping locs classy!
How do you start dreads with straight hair
If you're wondering how long does it take for natural dreadlocks to form, can hair form into dreadlocks by leaving it alone, and how to get natural dreads with straight hair, check out this website where you will learn everything when it comes to loc hair for beginners!
How to get dreadlocks
If you're wondering how to dread hair naturally and how long does it take for hair to dread naturally, check out this website. You will not only learn how to loc hair for beginners but also learn the pros and cons of dreads, dreadlock growth stages, how to wash dreads without messing them up, and so much more!
How to start dreadlocks with long hair
Wondering how to start dreads white hair? Learn everything you need to know about dreadlocks and starter locs on my website.
Dreadlocks hairstyles
Are dreadlocks good or bad for your hair? How do you get dreadlocks? Get all your questions answered on my website!
My dreadlock journey pictures
Featuring a close-up look of my loc journey progress, including a loc journey by month timeline (yes, all of the loc journey phases are shown in detail) and my commentary alongside it. If you're considering starting your loc journey and are curious (or nervous) about what they will look like, this is the post for you! PS. It's all my natural hair- no extensions- and I used the crochet method to start them. I'm happy to answer any of your questions!
My 6+ year loc journey in photos!
This board features pictures of me, Nadia, and my entire loc journey from the very beginning until now. Links to my website also here for those wanting to see the evolution of my locs in sequence.
Live love locs
I love my locs! These are all of the reasons why!
Peace love locs!
There are so many reasons why I love my locs, and in this post I discuss those reasons. Not everyone will love your locs, but so long that you stay true to yourself and love your style, that's all that matters!