
13 Pins
DIY Dystopian Cowl Neck Shawl by Kiisu23 on DeviantArt
DIY Dystopian Cowl Neck Shawl by on @DeviantArt
Mark Cordory
Post Apocalyptic costume - corset and leg pouch. SALVAGED Ware by Mark Cordory Creations. Enquiries always welcome @
Tutorial: How to age costume for the pending apocalypse | LARP.GUIDE
With Mad Max Fury Road storming into cinemas in a visceral assault on just about every sense other than taste and with more events with Post Apocalypse elements or outright Mad Max inspired it made sense to share some tips on how to distress and age your kit properly, after all there is nothing worse …
post apocalyptic boot spats
Jacket of LWI HandDyed Layered Hemps, work in progress...mainly hand stitched & mostly hemp fleece...the weave.
Upcycled fashion: Cómo hacer una falda de retales
I choose to sew: Upcycled fashion: How to make a patchwork skirt
New favorite designer! STATE by Adrienne Antonson (photo Amanda Paredes)