Saving Money and Frugal Living Tips

Saving money NEVER goes out of style! Find practical ideas for frugal living, money saving, and budgeting to begin living a life full of abundance on the cheap. Whether you're in it for the challenge, to get debt-free, or trying to spend more mindfully, have a look at these expert tips and tricks, ideas, hacks, resources, and budget plans that make saving money fun and exciting. |
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106 Top Tips to Save on Groceries
Save money on groceries with over 100 hacks to help you cut your food budget in half! These saving money tips will help you save money on groceries without using coupons!
Think You're Saving Money? Don't Make These Mistakes!
Are you trying to save money, yet making these saving money mistakes? Find out from Sarah Titus how you could be wasting money without even realizing it! These tips are sure to help you stick to your financial goals and make some real progress towards your dreams!
5 Things People Who are Debt-Free DON'T Do!
After we paid off all debts in 2005, we vowed to never go back! Learn from Sarah Titus the top 5 things that people who are debt free no longer do. These tips can help you stick to your financial goals and stay debt-free!
5 Real Ways to Add $500/month Steady Income
Would it help if you could make an extra $500 a month? Would you feel more secure if you had that extra money? These 5 ways to make an extra $500 a month will help you increase your budget, get out of debt, and make extra money! #makeextramoney #sidehustles #makemoneyathome #makeextracash
15 Things I Don’t Spend Money On
Before I became a blogger, I learned how to get stuff for free and you can too! Here's the ultimate list of 15 things you shouldn't buy! Save money by following this guide! #savemoney #freethings #savemoneytips
How to Cut Your Electric Bill by 35%!
Learn how to save money on your electric bill and cut it by 35% with these helpful tips from Sarah Titus. Save money on utilities every month by following these tips to stop wasting electricity! You'll be glad to be able to spend less cash, and it's better for the environment, too!
Top 12 Banking Secrets They Don’t Want You to Know
These 12 banking secrets from a banker will let you in on the secrets of the banking systems. Learn how to have more control over your money and find out these 12 secrets. #bankingtips #bankingsecrets bankingaccounttips
How to Live on $700 a Month
Are you struggling to live on a tight budget these days? Sarah Titus shows you that it is totally possible to live well on $700 a month! Find out how my family of 3 lived on a low income, and learn tips that you can implement today to save money and stay on budget!
How to Live Debt-Free in a Debt-Filled World
How to be debt free in a world that says it's okay to have debt. Get rid of all your credit card debt with these tips on paying off debt. #debtfree #payoffdebt #creditcarddebt #frugalliving #livingdebtfree #debtsolutions #debt
Organize Your Home for LESS!
When you want to organize your home, check out these tips, ideas, and inspiration from Sarah Titus that show how to organize your home on a budget! Save money while you clean and declutter, and lower your stress by having a more organized home! These organization tips and hacks are so helpful!
Free Printable Cash Envelopes for Budgeting
Check out these Free Printable Cash Envelopes from Sarah Titus! Find everything you need to start using the cash envelope system for budgeting so you can meet your financial goals. The outside of each envelope features a place to write the date, the amount spent, and purpose, making it easy to track where your money is going. Get the free envelope templates here!
Printable Budget Binder
A budget binder is a great way to organize your finances and take control of your money once and for all. Sarah Titus brings you this incredible resource with over 220 printable pages to help you with your budget, paying off debt, and tracking your monthly bills. This beautiful set of printables can inspire you towards your financial goals!
Free Printable Cash Envelopes for Budgeting
Looking for free printable cash envelope templates? Look no further! These free download cash envelopes are just what you need to start using the cash envelope system. Download your free cash envelope templates here #cashenvelope #freeprintable #daveramsey #money #cash #budgeting
Free Debt Payment Tracker
Getting out of debt is tough! Sarah Titus has successfully been able to get out of $30k+ debt as a single mom by using this printable debt payoff sheet! In addition to this debt payment tracker spreadsheet, there are 30 more printables here to help you in your journey! You can do this!
How to Remodel Your Kitchen on a Budget
Kitchen renovations can be so expensive! These ideas from Sarah Titus can help you remodel your kitchen on a budget. These tips and hacks are sure to help you save money when you want to get the look of a brand new kitchen without the price tag. Give these tips a try to give your kitchen an upgrade!