Maybe?? IDK

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psalm 61:2. when my heart is overwhelmed, lead me to the rock that is higher than I. ❤️ #tattoo #pslam612 #mountain #bibletattoo
30 Unique Compass Tattoo Ideas for Women: Find Your Direction
Black-shaded arrows serve as markers pointing to the four directions in this compass tattoo on collar bone.
Jesus' last word is our first word. "Tetelestai - It is finished". When He died, our life began. And because "it is finished", there is nothing that any one of us can contribute to His work on the cross to bring us any closer to salvation.
60 Best Foot Tattoos – Meanings, Ideas and Designs
Foot tattoo meanings, symbolism, designs and ideas with great images.
Tatuajes de una palabra: fotos de los tatuajes - Tatuaje Brave con letras en negro