Notion College Application Tracker

This board is all about Notion college application tracker, college application checklist, college application organization, and more to help you streamline the college application process from start to finish as a high schooler!
23 Pins
Complete College Application Checklist for Zero Stress
If you’re a high school senior who’s stressed about all the materials you need to submit for college applications, this college application organization template will help you stay on top of deadlines effortlessly! | college application tracker
The Ultimate Guide to Using Notion for College Success
Before using Notion, I would always stress over my seemingly endless to-do lists and exams. However, since using Notion, I’ve never felt more organized and less stressed about school! To learn how to use Notion for school, check out this step-by-step guide (that also includes a student Notion template free!)
The Best Notion Template for Students
Here, you can find a Notion template that is both free and useful! As a student, I've strived to find a good digital planner, and Notion, by far, is the best! #freenotiontemplatesdashboard #freenotiontemplatesaesthetic #howtosetupyournotion
The Most Useful Platforms to Organize Your College Application
Click here to learn more about how to organize college applications. As a student, I know how hard it is to keep track of everything. So, with these tips, you’ll be able to make sure that you don’t forget to add anything to your college application! This way, you’ll be able to plan ahead and not be as stressed! #collegeappspreadsheet #notioncollegeapplicationtracker #collegeapplicationorganizer
Must-Have Notion Template for Students
If you're looking for ways to set up Notion for school, you've come to the right place. Click here to view my tips for Notion. You can also find a free aesthetic notion template here! #freenotiontemplates #digitalplannertemplate #howtosetupnotion
A Brilliant Way to Staying Organized with College Applications
To make sure that you don’t forget anything in your college application, you need to stay organized by planning ahead. As a student, I’ve had to deal with all of this, so don’t worry because you’re not alone! Click here to see all of my tips for creating a college application template to stay organized! #collegeapplicationspreadsheettemplate #howtoorganizecollegeapplications #notionforstudents
The Most Effective College Application Timeline to Help You Plan
To anyone who’s a senior in high school, here are some college app tips: plan ahead to ensure that you have more than enough time to prepare a good college application. Yes, this may seem overwhelming, however, you’ve come to the right place! Click here to view a complete college application planner that's both free and printable! #checklistforapplyingtocollege #collegeapplicationtipssenioryear #printablecollegeapplicationchecklist
The Best College Application Planner for Students
If you’re a rising senior in high school and you want to start your college application, but you’re also overwhelmed with all the stuff you have to do, don’t worry. I was in your same position not too long ago, which is why I made a free college application planner! #applyingforcollegechecklist #collegeapplicationtips #collegeapplicationtimeline
Increase Productivity with this Notion Template for Students
If you need help with setting up notion, you've come to the right place! Here's a free notion template for students that's both aesthetic and useful! #freenotiontemplatesstudent #howtosetupnotionforschool #notiontemplateideasforstudents
The Ultimate Notion Template for Students
Whether you're applying for college, or just a student, this Notion template will help you so much! Click here to find a free aesthetic notion template! #digitalplannertemplatefree #notiontemplatefree #freenotiontemplatesaestheticstudent
The Ultimate College Application Checklist for Seniors
If you’re a rising senior in high school and you want to start applying for college, but you’re also overwhelmed with everything you have to do, don’t worry. I was in your same position not too long ago, and I’ve made a college application timeline for you! #collegeapplicationchecklist #applyingtocollegetips #collegetimelinesenioryear
The Most Effective College App Spreadsheet for Seniors in High School
If you’re a senior in high school who’s getting ready to start your college applications, this is for you. I know, from personal experience, that it’s often hard to keep track of everything. So, click here to learn more about tips for organizing college applications! #senioryearnotion #collegeapplicationnotiontemplate #applyingforcollegechecklist
The Ultimate Way to Not Get Stressed with College Applications
If you’re a senior who’s getting ready to start applying for college, this is for you. From personal experience, I know that it’s often difficult to keep up with everything. So, to help you stay organized, click here to find a free college application template that's totally customizable! #notioncollegeapplicationtemplate #collegeapplicationtimeline #collegeapplicationnotion
Must-Have College Application Timeline
Click here if you want to find the ultimate college application checklist. From personal experience, I know how stressful it can be when college application time rolls around. That’s why I created this college application timeline to help you prepare! #collegeapplicationchecklistfree #highschooltimelineforcollege #collegeapplicationtimelinesenioryear
The Best Free College Application Spreadsheet Template
To make sure that you don’t forget anything in your college application, you have to stay organized. By planning ahead, you won’t be as stressed or forget to add anything. As a student, I’ve had to deal with all this, so don’t worry because you’re not alone! Click here to see all of my tips for creating a college application spreadsheet and for managing college application deadlines! #notioncollegeapplication #collegeapplicationorganization #collegeapplicationtimelinesenioryear