
42 Pins
DIY Rhinestone Water Bottle Using Serinity Crystals
We show you how to bling a name onto a water bottle in the #bluestreakcrystals Studio👌💫✨ Check out our website (link in bio) for the largest range of high quality crystals, beads, findings and tools 💎💫👏 Featured Bluestreak Crystals Products: 💎 Serinity Flatback Crystal Shimmer 💉 E6000 Plus Glue Kit ✨ Magic Sorting Tray 🖊️ Wax Crystal Picker Tool 💎 @serinitycrystals ✨ Highest quality crystals on the market ✨ Incredible brilliance & sparkle ✨ Made in Austria 🇦🇹 ✨
Mãe e filha debutante fantasia cinematográfico
Ensaio debutante com a mãe, afeto e carinho em um castelo