People I admire

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The Witches Kitchen
Linda Woodrow. She wrote an amazing book on pemaculture and planting in mandalas. I follow her blog now. She comes accross as a wise woman and full of gardening knowledge and great food ideas.
Adding value to life
Rhonda Hetzel. I have been reading Rhonda's blog for a very long time, probably very close to the beginning. I found her blog through Aussies Living Simply forum. She resonated with me and is full of sensible advice on practical and useful life skills she is helping everone remember how to use. Rhonda's blog is the one I go to daily. To this day I have not put a comment on her website, don't know why but always feel grateful for her words, wisdom and gentleness. Thank you Rhonda!!
Transcript of Sally Fallon Morell Interview: How the Weston A. Price Foundation Began
Sally Fallon Morell - amazing person to listen to, everything she says and writes makes sense to me. Her cookbook Nourishing Traditions would be the only one I would dread to part with!
Kay Baxter - following her heart. She has done so much for NZ Heritage plants and also uses permaculture and Weston Price principles. She doesn't live too far from me. I will meet her one day!
Joel’s Bio
Joel Salatin. Everyone needs to listen to this charismatic man, he makes sense and communicates well. Love all the Polyface practices.
Kevin McCloud's favourite cathedrals and temples
Love Kevin McCloud. His TV show Grand Designs is my favourite which I do not miss. I love how the show highlights the process of creating beautiful spaces in some amazing buildings. I also particularly like how he also focuses on the people who will live in it and is able to relate the space to the inhabitants. He also celebrates craftsmanship and beauty - a good thing!
Geoff Lawton - Wikipedia
We need more people like Geoff in our world, his knowledge and desire to help people to improve our world is inspiring.
Bill Mollison - the Father of Permaculture. I first listened to Bill on a radio interview in Australia back in the early 90's. Every word he said resonated with me. It was my introduction to Permaculture. I went out and bought his Permaculture Design textbook and have maintained a close interest on the subject. I am currently doing the Permaculture Design Course and am intending to incorporate it more visibly into my life now with my garden being my first project.