Possible Senior Quotes

I've been told high school is supposed to end at some point...
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3.5M views · 10K reactions | Bullet Journal Ideas For The Busy Holiday Season | December is always crazy busy—these bullet journal ideas will help keep you organized during the season of holiday chaos! 📕✨ | By Tasty Home | Facebook
December Bullet Journal // #journal #diary #planner #organization #lifehacks
High school graduation cap inspired by Disney's Beauty and the Beast. "I just finished the most wonderful story" said by Belle and "I want adventure in the great wide somewhere" perfect for high school and college graduations on the hats.
Grad Cap Graduation Cap for University of Arizona Class of 2016. Kappa Alpha Theta, Lilo & Stitch, Ocean, Beach, Hawaii
15 Awesome Graduation Caps That Just Nail The Graduation Spirit…
15 Awesome Graduation Caps That Just Nail The Graduation Spirit…
so i guess it ends here. we'll go our separate ways and hope that we'll see each other somewhere in the future
1. My short term goal is to graduate from high school. That is literally the only thing that is on my mind.
Graduate School in Style With These 50 Fun and Creative Graduation Cap Ideas
So inspirational. Source: Instagram user klschiess