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“It’s a Revolution”: The Hollywood Reporter Drama Actress Roundtable
Elisabeth Moss, Thandie Newton and Claire Foy at the Drama Actress Roundtable | Hollywood Reporter
How Elisabeth Moss Became an Accidental Activist When ‘Handmaid’s Tale’ Took on Trump
Elisabeth Moss on 'Handmaid's Tale's' Real-World Parallels and How She Became an Accidental Activist (Cover Story) | Hollywood Reporter
EW reveals its 2018 Entertainers of the Year
EW reveals its 2018 Entertainers of the Year: Cardi B, Darren Criss, the women of <em>Black Panther </em>and <em>Crazy Rich Asians, </em>and more
EW reveals its 2018 Entertainers of the Year
EW reveals its 2018 Entertainers of the Year: Cardi B, Darren Criss, the women of <em>Black Panther </em>and <em>Crazy Rich Asians, </em>and more
Ellen Pompeo, TV’s $20 Million Woman, Reveals Her Behind-the-Scenes Fight for “What I Deserve”
Ellen Pompeo, TV's $20 Million Woman, Reveals Her Behind-the-Scenes Fight for "What I Deserve"
Wonder Woman: How Real-Life Athletes United to Populate the Film's Badass Amazon Nation
Wonder Woman: How real-life athletes united to populate the film's badass Amazon nation
Keira Knightley on ‘Colette,’ Pushing for Social Change, and if She’ll Ever Direct
Keira Knightly Variety Cover-FORWEB
Jessica Chastain: “I Was Born as an Actress” at Cannes
As the world's biggest, glitziest film event celebrates its 70th birthday, French screen icon Isabelle Huppert and current jury member Chastain discuss their mutual love of the festival.
Harassment in Hollywood: 5 Female Industry Forces Brainstorm How to “Change the Culture”
What Hollywood Needs to Do to Combat the Culture of Sexual Harassment | Hollywood Reporter
Can Netflix Crash the Oscars With Dee Rees’ ‘Mudbound’?
‘Mudbound’: How Dee Rees’ Epic Made it to Netflix and the Oscar Race | Variety