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Chantel Gray | 🪴 Plants + DIY on Instagram: "Dust off your old coat hangers, fronds and use them as a plant trellis! Everything is linked in my bio or comment “growing on me” and I can DM you everything! Hope you create your own version of this! Follow for more houseplant tips and inspo on your jungle journey! xo - Chantel"
Urban Greenhouse | Indoor Plant Poles on Instagram: "Need more space for your ever growing plant collection. Tap the shop now button below which will take you to our online store 🙌🏼"
Samantha Hermann on Instagram: "More tips ⬇️ I’ve made my fair share of self watering pots but none have been this ✨aesthetically pleasing✨ I’m so happy with how this turned out! I’m hoping the sealer I used will hold up to constant moisture, but if it doesn’t I’ll just redo it with something stronger. I also ended up pushing a longer wick up into the soil more, so it could saturate it better. These maranta are adorable and I love that they’re variegated! I plan to keep them back a bit from a NW window. I’ll let the water reservoir go dry before adding more water. @solsoils discount code is H+P 🫶🏻 Give this DIY a try, it’s super simple & can be adapted to so many different dishes!"
Samantha Hermann on Instagram: "The easiest way to make sure your plants are getting the moisture they need is this DIY wick system! I use this often when we travel for my thirsty plants — this plumosa fern was showing signs it wanted to stay on the damp side so this was the perfect solution. Cotton rope works the best, the thickness doesn’t matter much, I just used what I had on hand. You can use a chopstick, skewer, straw, whatever you can find to push the wick into the soil. Make sure it goes up at least half way. When measuring your cord it needs to be able to hang down into the water so it can soak it up. Using an old cup or growers pot works as a base to keep the bottom of the pot up out of the water. Any other questions? Leave them in the comments! If you found this helpful
Mariah Harman | Houseplant Tips on Instagram: "Did you know that many houseplants can thrive by growing in just water? 💦 ‼️ comment “DETAILS” & I’ll send you 🔗 for baskets I’ve had these 🪴 Heartleaf Philodendrons (there are a few different varieties in there) growing in water with all the intentions to transfer to soil I got this basket with the intent to pot them but then I’d have to line the basket & be so careful when watering. I was trying to problem solve.. but duh !! They are doing just fine in water 🤪 so I’m leaving them! It’s important to keep the water clean (just refresh when you water your plants) & add a bit of liquid fertilizer. 💚 Plant food from @happyhappyhouseplant is one of my favorites to add to my water plants. Code MARIAHGROWS’ for 10% off I love how thi
Garden Hacks on Instagram: "Tips to help soil become more porous #gardening #garden #gardeningtips #gardenlife #gardeninspiration #gardenideas #gardenlove #gardendesign #gardenersofinstagram #gardenersworld #garden_styles #gardenphotography #gardenlovers #gardenerslife #gardenart #gardenbeauty #gardensofinstagram #gardenplants #gardenviews #gardenersparadise #gardenista #gardeningcommunity #gardenloversclub #gardenaddict #gardeners #gardenerslife"
ДАЧА | ДОМ | САД on Instagram: "Попробуйте и у вас получится 😃 Я раза с 5го вспомнила эту простую схему подвязки кашпо👍 Автор @poli_na_malinaaa"
Dana Carpenter | Houseplant care on Instagram: "Save this if you love the way hanging plants make your home feel like an indoor jungle!! And comment SUPPLIES for a dm with links to what I used. 🔗🪴 👉What you need: -embroidery hoops: 2 large and 1 small to hold the basket. I used 2 12 inch hoops with an 8 inch hoop for the basket. -White duct tape -Macrame cord (or twine if you prefer) -A wooden ring for the hanger at the top -Hook to hang it from a curtain rod or wherever you plan to hang it! 👉Directions: Connect the two larger hoops at the top using a thin piece of white duct tape. Place the smaller hoop at the bottom between the two larger, securing it with duct tape. Now it’s time to use macrame cord to cover the tape. Here are instructions on how to make a gathering knot. -C
1.4M views · 65K likes | Home Remedies - Health Tips on Instagram: "Made a mosquito repellent planter for our patio. Great content by @simplypaintedwhite. Follow her for more amazing content like this! I added: 1. Lavender : smells amazing and also contains linalool which is an ingredient in products used to control mosquitoes 2. Marigolds: have a distinct smell that repels mosquitoes 3. Rosemary: had a woodsy scent that keeps mosquitoes away I found the planter and all plants @walmart. I planted the rosemary in the back and the marigolds and rosemary in front. I’ll keep you posted if it works!!! #mosquitorepellent #gardening #gardeninspiration #gardeninspiration #gardenideas #gardendecor #gardeninspo #gardeninspiration #lavender"
Plant Worlds on Instagram: "Improve loose soil #gardeninggoals #gardeningistherapy #gardeningtips #gardeninglife #gardening_love #gardeninguk #gardening101 #gardeningtools #gardeningislife #gardeningtherapy #gardeningknowhow #gardeningseason #gardeningismytherapy #gardeningmakesmehappy #gardeningaustraliamag #gardeningday #gardeningideas #gardeningphoto"
Nicole Pankopp | DIY + Home Renovations on Instagram: "I usually make a huge mess when potting plants…not anymore!! . I used a cookie cooling rack, but you could use old wire shelving or any other wire rack! . . #gardening #gardeningtips #gardeninghacks #pottedplants #greenhousegardening"
Happy Happy Houseplant🪴Mandi Gubler on Instagram: "See a space between your plant’s potting mix and planter?! That’s the Gap of Death. Dun dun dun… It happens when the plant is seriously underwatered. Once it’s there, it’s almost impossible for your plant to get the moisture it desperately needs. But don’t worry, the fix is easy! Step 1: Put your plant in a container (bowl, sink, tub, etc.) that won’t drain so you can force the water and soil to stay together. Step 2: Totally saturate the soil with water and Plant Food. Comment FOOD for a link to the best plant fertilizer. Step 3: Drain the excess water and watch your plant perk back up! Make sure to save this post so you can revive your dying plants! Then drop any questions you have in the comments below and I’ll answer. #watering
Seed to Flower on Instagram: "When your succulents are seriously short of water, you can try watering them this way #backyardgardening #gardeninglife #vegetablegardening #vegetablegarden #gardeningtips #gardeninglove #organicgardening #gardensofinstagram #gardenideas #urbangardening #gardeningistherapy #gardeninggoals #homegardening #gardeninspiration #lovegardening #gardeningisfun #countrygarden #veggiegarden #happygardening"