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Sweating itself doesn’t burn a measurable amount of fat, but sweating out enough liquid could cause you to lose water weight. BUT it’s only a temporary loss. Once you rehydrate by drinking water or eating, you’ll regain any lost weight. Look, I don’t know about you, but I feel great if I’m sweating up a storm during a workout, and there are many benefits of sweating, but in terms of burning more fat, it doesn’t make a difference.
That's why you Should Avoid Junk Food to Live a Healthy Lifestyle!
That's why you Should Avoid Junk Food to Live a Healthy Lifestyle! #weightloss #fatlossfacts #weightlosstips #fatloss
If you don’t have a gluten intolerance but you eat gluten free foods just because you think it’s lower in calories, think again girlfriend! Unfortunately, this is not the case 🙅🏽‍♀️ A cookie is still a cookie no matter if it has gluten 🍪 Most of the time in gluten free snacks, such as cookies, the gluten rich flour is replaced with other flours that are naturally gluten free. For example, 50g of flour has 182 calories, whereas 50g of almond flour (a popular gluten free alternative) has 308!