orthodox prayer corner

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Flickriver: Most interesting photos from Orthodox Icon Corners pool
icon corner by jimforest, via Flickr
Τίμια Εσθήτα της Παναγίας μας - Το θαύμα κατά την Α΄ Πολιορκία της Κωνσταντινούπολης - ΕΚΚΛΗΣΙΑ ONLINE
Τίμια Εσθήτα της Παναγίας μας – Το θαύμα κατά την Α΄ Πολιορκία της Κωνσταντινούπολης
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Someone seriously loves their saints. Add photos of family and friends to remember to pray for them
My prayer closet
The "ideal" prayer closet. Funny enough this closet belongs to a Lutheran pastor. How many Orthodox have a beautiful room like this...that they use...let alone this many icons in their possetion. Beautiful.
Tree of Saints Shrine of Retablos and Icons | Etsy
Tree of Saints Shrine of Retablos and Icons
Icon corner of my friend, Patti S.
home altars - Google Search
Catholic Answers
Home altars - Page 26 - Catholic Answers Forums
The Best Mattresses, Pillows & Bedding...Reviewed | Suite 101
Christian Orthodox home altar