RIP Sandy Hook (Newtown, CT)

In honor of victims of Sandy Hook Elementary School's tragedy and those left behind, the nation began spontaneously performing "26 Acts of Kindness". Any you've done & would like to share? You can pin them here. If you can't pin but want to, drop me an email @ with the subject line "26 ACTS". I'll fix things for you when I'm back on after the holidays. (Make sure the subject line is in all CAPITAL LETTERS — I get bunches of email daily and don't want to miss yours!) ~ℛ
15 Pins
Honoring the Victims of Sandy Hook: From Moment of Silence to Moment of Action — Friday, 12/21: Over 175,000 people participated in the national moment of silence and more than 1,000 websites that went dark in a show of solidarity. Now it is time to do something about gun violence. We welcome everyone on all sides of the issue into this dialogue. #NeverAgain #SandyHook
Help Children Cope with Disaster
Save the Children has set up a child-friendly space in the Newtown middle school where kids can play and express themselves while parents receive grief counseling and support. The organization also put out a list of tips on how to support YOUR children through this tragedy.
Recovering Emotionally
Coping with Disasters During the Holidays — Disasters are stressful, especially during the holidays. The American Red Cross offers ways to help.
Nonprofit | Parent Connection | Connecticut
The Newtown Parent Connection continues to work to provide assistance and hope for the victims' families and the Newtown/Sandy Hook community who have been affected by this devastating tragedy. Donations can be made using a credit card via the website, through PayPal or by check.
Latest News
The Red Cross is on the ground in Newtown, providing food, water and emotional support to families and first responders. The organization is also providing grief counseling to the community. Your donation is always appreciated; see site for details.
United Way of Western Connecticut in partnership with Newtown Savings Bank has created the 'Sandy Hook School Support Fund' that will be able to provide support services to the families and community that has been affected. A donation form to send in with your check is available on the website.
Greater Newtown Area, CT
Newtown Youth and Family Services is providing counseling to community members All donations to the organization will go directly to those affected by the shooting.
Collect donations and raise awareness online for your cause or charity
12/22-Part of an open letter: "...[we want] for you to hug each other & yr children, deeply & often. To pause, take a breath, allow the warmth of the season into your homes & hearts, & know it will be all right. We'll all be all right. We have felt loved in the past, but that previous measure was a thimble as to this boundless sea. You are at once our ocean, our vessel, & the wind that fills our sails... Thank you. We love you." — David Cole Wheeler (father of Ben, age 6, shooting victim)
Collect donations and raise awareness online for your cause or charity
The “My Sandy Hook Family Fund" has been established by local Sandy Hook, CT parents & friends dedicated to providing immediate and continuing support for the 26 families of those who lost children and loved ones in the Sandy Hook School tragedy. Visit the website for more info and/or if you can make a donation:
Fathers Stand Guard Outside Kids' Schools After Newtown Shooting
12/21/12 — Fathers Stand Guard Outside Kids' Schools After Newtown Shooting
Connecticut School Shooting: Grim Task Hasn't Given Medical Examiner Time to Grieve
Connecticut School Shooting: Grim Task Hasn't Given Medical Examiner Time to Grieve — One way or another the tragedy at Sandy Hook Elementary School on 12/14 affects everyone in the small, close-knit New England community. ~ℛ
U.S. News: Latest Breaking Stories, Video, and Photos on American Politics, Economy, and Society
Tens of thousands of people on Twitter and Facebook not only seized the idea, they increased it to #26Acts, to include the heroic teachers, and are launching acts of kindness big and small all over America. The acts are even spreading overseas, including one tweeted from Borneo. Fred Rogers once said that as a boy when he saw scary things in the news, his mother would say, "Look for the helpers. You will always find people who are helping." Click the to find helpers. Question: Are YOU in...?
More than 58,000 “likes” sprouted up on one of the main Facebook pages dedicated to the idea of "26 Act of Kindness" and Twitter became a forum for sharing ideas or announcing gestures #20acts #26acts #sandyhook
A woman bowed her head in Newtown as the 9:30 a.m. moment of silence for the victims of last week's shooting was observed across Connecticut and much of the US.