
53 Pins
Take a look at this Black & Lime Concrete Sneaker by LEGO Shoes on @zulily today! | Elke dag een ontdekking
Leuke lego tafel...(gezien op pinterest) Tafeltje van Ikea. Door jowo
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Making a lego head flowr pot seems like a fun project and with the right plant in it a kool design.
20 Lego Storage Ideas for Girls
This post is sponsored by Lego Friends Lego would have to be the most used toy in our home, so much so that a few years ago we made my son a Lego Storage Unit in his bedroom dedicated to displaying his creations!
Lego table created using an IKEA lack table, Lego baseplates and white labels Simple (and cheap!) but effective!
IKEA Frame LEGO Minifigure Display and Storage - Frugal Fun For Boys and Girls
IKEA Frame LEGO Minifigure Display and Storage - Each frame holds 56 LEGO guys. This is so cool! Make one or a few for a huge collection.
Our new LEGO table!
DIY Lego table using Ikea Trofast storage system. Someday Alex might need this
DIY "Every Brother Is A Superhero" Sign
DIY Wall Art ~ Pottery Barn Knock Off Every Brother is a Super Hero Sign
Turn Your Train Table Into a Lego Table with Color Coded Storage
Create an awesome LEGO table from a neglected train table with this easy DIY project. Includes a way to organize your LEGOS by color too - genius!
This item is unavailable - Etsy
super mario brothers mushroom ottomans! These are on Etsy but I'm wondering if I can figure out how to do them myself. I've seen them other places as well...