“The On Conquering Schizophrenia Project”

The name is the “On Conquering Schizophrenia Project”. The mission is to help others with schizophrenia. The means to do so, thus far, are via the collaborations I have (and seek), via my 2 books, via my YouTube channel called “On Conquering Schizophrenia”, and via my reddit group called— “schizophrenia_conquer”. Please see the attached image/board for all the details! In regards to my two books, I wrote 2 books on living with, and overcoming, schizophrenia. I have lived with schizophrenia for 25+ years. I currently work as a post-masters mental health talk-therapist (a Licensed Clinical Social Worker-LCSW). My first book is titled “On Conquering Schizophrenia; From the Desk of a Therapist and Survivor”. My second book is titled “The Essential Schizophrenia Companion; With Foreword by Elyn R Saks, PhD, JD”. I write from the perspectives of both a provider and also someone with schizophrenia. Both are on Amazon. If you go to Amazon you can see all the editorial reviews. My books are intended to provide education and hope, and to let others know a regular life is obtainable. In regards to my “On Conquering Schizophrenia” YouTube channel, it is free and I do one new video each day on topics related to schizophrenia. I also do viewer requests on a desired topics (and these happen to be my favorite!). It would be my great honor for you to subscribe, suggest a video, and/or to comment (if so desired). Finally, I started a Reddit group called, “schizophrenia_conquer”. I am the moderator. This group is for mental health professionals with interest and/or competencies in schizophrenia. It is a multidisciplinary schizophrenia think-tank. Research articles are enthusiastically welcomed, be it already completed, in process, or impending. It is a place to share your work without it being considered spam. Any such schizophrenia research I will approve. This is the “On Conquering Schizophrenia Project”. Your contribution, however you may choose, is greatly valued and is considered a great personal honor! Schizophrenia is the adversary. The “Project” is the salve! If you read this far, ty for your time and attention! It is greatly appreciated! Comments are always welcome! Ideas are always welcome! Despite the customary bumps in the road, I hope your today is going smoothly! —Robert Francis, LCSW #schizophrenia #psychiatry #psychology #abnormalpsychology #nonfictionbooks #psychosis #socialwork #hiddenvalleyroad #books #schizophreniabooks #bookreview #firstpersonaccount #schizophreniaresearch #psychotherapy
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