Tattoo Design Ideas

Tattoo design ideas if you want to get a meaningful or symbolic tattoo.
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The Meaning Behind Sunflower Tattoos (Plus Tattoo Inspiration) | Self Tattoo
Floral tattoos are among the most popular design choices in the body art world. This is because flowers are some of the most aesthetically pleasing things in nature and flower tattoos can be personalized; they’re a great opportunity to add colorful ink, and they can represent so many different things.
A Guide To Semicolon Tattoos: What It Means And Tattoo Ideas | Self Tattoo
When it comes to choosing a tattoo design, many people want to dive into meaningful waters. While there is nothing wrong with fun, frivolous tattoos, meaningful tattoo designs are the way many tattooees go because it relates specifically to their circumstances and lives.
Peacock Tattoos: What This Bird Represents And Tattoo Ideas | Self Tattoo
The strut, the multifaceted “eyes”, the vibrant colors, the ostentatious display of feathers – when a peacock is near, you cannot help but stop and stare. And, it has been this way for centuries. Peacocks feature in Ancient Greek and Hindu stories, and humanity has attached deep meaning to this species of bird. Due to the symbolism and mythology that the peacock is wrapped up in, this bird and its feathers create eye-catching, meaningful tattoos.
Should You Get Freckles Tattooed? | Self Tattoo
Permanent makeup has been around for decades – from eyebrows and eyeliner to lipstick, cosmetic tattoos are popular forms of face tattoos for enhancing people’s features. However, this has taken another step forward in the form of freckles.
Elephant Tattoo Ideas For Different Aesthetics | Self Tattoo
With their graceful strides, intelligence, sense of community importance, and wisdom, elephants have long been admired by human cultures around the world. As with many animals whose traits people admire, elephants have become a popular tattoo theme.
What Do Wolf Tattoos Mean? | Minimalist Wolf Tattoo
Are you looking for a tattoo idea that means strength, fearlessness and family values? Wolves represent many things and have deep symbolism across a range of cultures around the world. Click here for the symbolism behind wolf tattoos and for tattoo design inspiration. Self Tattoo
Think Before You Ink: What You Need To Know About Foot Tattoos | Self Tattoo
When it comes to tattoo placements, foot tattoos are up there in terms of both extreme pain and tricky aftercare. However, even though a foot tattoo is a challenge to do and to maintain, this hasn’t stopped body art lovers and first time tattooees from slipping out of their shoes and white-knuckling it through the experience.
8 Fish Tattoo Ideas And Their Meanings | Self Tattoo
Fish are incredible creatures that have swam the depths of the oceans and survived in rivers for millenia. Not only are they ancient, but there are so many different varieties of fish – from the vibrant shades of the koi fish, to the mysterious and dangerous shark. These extraordinary water dwellers make for excellent tattoo inspiration for their colors as well as their symbolism.
The Process Of Getting A Tattoo | Getting A Tattoo Tips
Are you thinking about getting your first tattoo? Choosing a tattoo design you love and getting inspired by different styles of body art is definitely exciting! The whole process of getting a tattoo can be quite intense, and shouldn't be something you rush into. Click here for the whole process of getting a tattoo and what you should know about getting inked. Self Tattoo
Gothic Inspired: Dark And Mysterious Tattoo Ideas | Self Tattoo
Do you find beauty in things that are considered dark and mysterious? From dark fairy tales and Victorian motifs to gargoyles and ravens, the Gothic subculture draws inspiration from various elements, such as horror, romanticism, and medieval architecture. Modern Goth tattoos often take the macabre and bring the charm out of the darkness.
What Do Shark Tattoos Mean? | Self Tattoo
The misunderstood creatures of the deep, sharks have been swimming in the oceans for around 400 million years, long before dinosaurs were even around. While these apex predators don’t have bones so skeletons aren’t left behind when they die, fossilized shark teeth have been found. Here is the meaning of shark tattoos.
Tattoos Inspired By Stoicism | Self Tattoo
The ideas and thoughts of Stoicism have surpassed their 300 B.C Athens origins, and are still as relevant – and some argue as needed – today as they were in Ancient Greece. This endearing philosophy with principles that have traversed geography and time is a powerful source of inspiration for tattoos. Let’s dive into the meaning of Stoicism, what it takes to be a Stoic, and the best Stoic tattoos to consider.
An Intro To Flower Tattoos | Floral Tattoo Design
Are you thinking about getting a floral tattoo design? There are many types of flowers to choose from when it comes to flower tattoo designs - from a single rose tattoo to a full floral sleeve tattoo. Click here for flower tattoo inspiration and what the meanings behind different flower tattoos are. Self Tattoo
A Guide To Hyper Realism Tattoos | Mini Realistic Tattoo
Do you have a tattoo appointment coming up for a hyper realistic tattoo, and want to know more about what you can expect? Realistic tattoo designs pay close attention to the finer details, so multiple tattoo appointments may be needed. Also, paying close attention to tattoo aftercare instructions is key! Click here for 7 things you should know about hyper realistic tattoos before getting inked, plus more tattoo tips and tattoo inspiration. Self Tattoo
Nature Tattoo Ideas | Palm Tree Tattoo
Do you enjoy spending time outdoors and want to get a tattoo to represent your love of nature? There is so much to be inspired by when it comes to nature tattoos. Ocean wave tattoos, crescent moon tattoos, and sun tattoos are just some of the tattoo ideas for nature lovers. Click here to get inspired by nature tattoo ideas. Self Tattoo