ENTJ---ENTJ in relationship with INTJ

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INTJ Humor vs xNTP Humor
My room-mate is an ENTP and I’m an INTJ. We both have a sarcastic and rather morbid sense of humour. However, nobody actually thinks that my room-mate might kill them, while I’ve gotten plenty of comments about how people fear I’m going to kill them in their sleep. When she uses sarcasm, she changes her facial expression and voice (subconsciously) to let people know that she’s joking (TiFe). I on the other hand do not (TeFi). All my jokes are told with a completely straight face.
Know Thyself
As an ENTJ, I find myself doing this a lot - subconsciously using what I know will be most effective in getting my way in the situation.
Infp/infj - Right on. We talk big, but when it comes down to it...
When i transitioned, suddenly i was treated like I had lost 50 I.Q. points overnight.....
INTJ humor, albeit cliché: "ENTJ is King because it thinks it's important but INTJ is actually the most powerful."
And that's why we don't fear our emotions. Depression? Pfft. Gimme a few days to indulge it and I'll be fine again.
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Sad but true. Thankfully my girls at my last job helped me be much more balanced in this area (when I want to).