Planning A Fall Garden

The fall garden always gets pushed aside. No one thinks about all the yummy things that can be planted in fall!
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How Many Plants To Feed Your Family
If you are trying to figure out just how many plants you need to feed your family, I'm here to help! Gone are long drawn out formulas. In this blog post, I talk about how you can figure out how much to plant for your family and give you ways to figure out garden growth over time!
Have Your Decided On Your Garden Plan?
It's that time of year where gardening is ALMOST here. Do you have a plan for your garden space? Do you know what you are planning to eat fresh and what you want to preserve? If you are about to start panicking, don't. I've got you covered!
Do You Know What Seeds You Have?
Creating a digital (or physical) inventory of your seeds is incredibly useful. Keeping an inventory will save you time, money and possibly heartache. In this blog post, I talk about why you should have a seed inventory and how to create one.
Are You Prepared?
There are a million reasons to be more prepared. It could be an illness, job loss, hurricane or other tragic event. Being prepared doesn't need to come from a place of fear. Insteading being prepared should come from a place of reality. In this blog post, we talk about how to overcome the fear of preparedness and actually be prepared.
Is Homesteading Hard?
Homesteading can be hard. But in some ways, it's the easiest thing you'll ever do. In this blog post, I get a little personal as I talk about the various ways that homesteading is hard. I talk about my professional life as well as my homesteading life. The short answer is yes, homesteading is hard. But it is the most rewarding thing I have ever done.
Do You Need Garden Journal Prompts?
Sometimes you need a little help figuring out what to journal about. That includes the garden. Having a garden journal is important to track your year to year progress. But sometimes, you just don't know what to write about. Other times, you're just not sure what to do with your garden! My garden journal prompts allow you to have 365 days of garden prompts emailed to you. You can write them in a journal or write yourself an email. Either way, it allows you to actually track your garden and stay on track throughout the year!
Have Your Decided On Your Garden Plan?
It's that time of year where gardening is ALMOST here. Do you have a plan for your garden space? Do you know what you are planning to eat fresh and what you want to preserve? If you are about to start panicking, don't. I've got you covered!
Do You Know What Seeds You Have?
Creating a digital (or physical) inventory of your seeds is incredibly useful. Keeping an inventory will save you time, money and possibly heartache. In this blog post, I talk about why you should have a seed inventory and how to create one.
U.S. Tax Schedule F For Homesteaders
If you are struggling to figure out your yearly expenses and income for your schedule F, look no further! We have been using this spreadsheet for the last 4 years and our taxes have been so much easier! It's separated by month and has a total on the last sheet. Super easy to use and saves me a ton of time every month and year!
Have Your Decided On Your Garden Plan?
It's that time of year where gardening is ALMOST here. Do you have a plan for your garden space? Do you know what you are planning to eat fresh and what you want to preserve? If you are about to start panicking, don't. I've got you covered!
Plans For Infrastructure And Self Reliance
Are you prepared for the variety of situations that can come your way? Snow storms, hurricanes, job loss? Learning about homestead infrastructure and self reliance can go a long way. We want to thrive not just survive.
What To Do In Your Garden
If you are struggling to figure out what you need to prep for garden season, I've got you covered! In this blog post I talk about various chores to work on while you are preparing for the garden season. Whether you are a seasoned pro or a total newbie, I'm here to help you get the most out of your garden!
Don't Be Afraid Of Being Prepared
One of the risks when becoming prepared is allowing the fear to take over. In this blog post, I talk about how to prepare for emergencies without doing it from a place of fear. Being prepared doesn't have to be scary!
Get Your Taxes In Order
If you are a farmer, you know how much of a pain tax time can be! For the last 4 years, we have been using our Schedule F tracker and haven't looked back! It is set up for monthly tracking that totals everything for you at the end! All you have to do is input your expenses and income in the proper categories and that's it. Check it out below!
What To Do In Your Garden
If you are struggling to figure out what you need to prep for garden season, I've got you covered! In this blog post I talk about various chores to work on while you are preparing for the garden season. Whether you are a seasoned pro or a total newbie, I'm here to help you get the most out of your garden!