10/10: This is a work that I consider to be a masterpiece. I regard them as having been executed near flawlessly. They are my absolute favorites and I consider them to be deeply engaging on an intellectual and/or emotional level. I can rewatch anything in this list over and over again with it feeling new each time I do. These are all must watches for me.
9/10: Fantastic work that blew me away. May have flaws, but for the most part they are minuscule flaws in comparison to what is done right. These are works that hold my heart almost as well as perfect 10 does and the line between these two often are decided on a single factor or two. Most works here have been rewatched and recommended heavily.
8/10: These are works that engaged me greatly. There may be slight flaws in the narrative, direction, or art, but never anything major. I highly recommend anything here and find myself rewatching these more commonly.
7/10: Good. I would start recommending anything at this point more commonly.
6/10: A decent work, but at this point there are noticeable flaws. However I still enjoyed these works and was entertained for the most part. Worth a watch at some point.
5/10: Average. Not good but not bad either. I don't regret watching anything here, and at the very least, they were entertaining. Many shows from my early years, when my taste was different, find refuge here.
4/10: Below average. Generally bad and offensive in some way. There may have been an interesting premise, but the execution bombed, or maybe a few things stuck out as good, but overall the rest was bad.
3/10: Terrible. There might be a few things that stuck out or it might have had an interesting premise. Whatever the case was; however, the final result was really bad.
2/10: This was something pretty offensively bad with near no redeeming qualities.
1/10: Nothing redeemable whatsoever. This would be something with literally no value.
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