Papers by Moises Ramirez
The COVID-19 pandemic had long-reaching effects on the way society sustains its operations. Psych... more The COVID-19 pandemic had long-reaching effects on the way society sustains its operations. Psychotherapy, as a discipline, became very much in demand during this time, but had to adapt to social distancing restrictions instituted by state and nations. This qualitative research investigates the nature of the psychoanalytic and therapeutic setting, and whether psychotherapy could survive material exile on the virtual domains of non-space.
What will be the physiognomy of painting, of poetry, of music in a hundred years? No one can tell... more What will be the physiognomy of painting, of poetry, of music in a hundred years? No one can tell. As after the fall of Athens, of Rome, a long pause will intervene, caused by the exhaustion of the means of expression, as well as by the exhaustion of consciousness itself. Humanity, to rejoin the past, must invent a second naivete, without which the arts can never being again. Cioran, The Trouble with Being Born.
Foucault has provided a schematic for trying to provide an account for the way Truth is communica... more Foucault has provided a schematic for trying to provide an account for the way Truth is communicated and announced through both speech and action in full transparent display-at the expense of truth-teller's risking of his own death. Through his risking of his own death, the Cynic reveals an authority of information that is being made, a speech-act worthy of being
Thesis Chapters by Moises Ramirez
Papers by Moises Ramirez
Thesis Chapters by Moises Ramirez