2018 Prints, Posters, Paintings, Ephemera and Photographs Catalogue

The Antique Print & Map Room's 2018 end of year catalogue featuring prints posters, painting, ephemera and photographs. All items are original, guaranteed authentic and available to purchase. We ship internationally daily.
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1 Section
Tabula Geographica Hemisphaerii Australis - Antique Print Map Room
Tabula Geographica Hemisphaerii Australis
[Chart or itinerary of Jacob le Maire] [showing Your Honour in what manner the aforesaid Jacob le Maire passed into the South Sea by a new strait, and so to the Indies] - Antique Print Map Room
[Chart or itinerary of Jacob le Maire] [showing Your Honour in what manner the aforesaid Jacob le Maire passed into the South Sea by a new strait, and so to the Indies]
New Australian Clipper-Ship the Royal Family. - Antique Print Map Room
New Australian Clipper-Ship the Royal Family.
Iron Gun-Boat Built at Sydney, Australia,for the New Zealand Government. - Antique Print Map Room
Iron Gun-Boat Built at Sydney, Australia,for the New Zealand Government.
The Wreck of the "Ly-ee-Moon." - Antique Print Map Room
The Wreck of the "Ly-ee-Moon."
The British Emigrant Ship "Kapunda," Run Down and Sunk off the Coast of Brazil with a loss of 298 Lives. - Antique Print Map Room
The British Emigrant Ship "Kapunda," Run Down and Sunk off the Coast of Brazil with a loss of 298 Lives.
The Steam-Ship Chimborazo, of the Orient Line, for Australia. - Antique Print Map Room
The Steam-Ship Chimborazo, of the Orient Line, for Australia.
La Corvette L'Astrolabe tombant tout-a-coup sur des recifs dans la bai de l'Abondance - Antique Print Map Room
La Corvette L'Astrolabe tombant tout-a-coup sur des recifs dans la bai de l'Abondance
Grammar School - Antique Print Map Room
St. Aloysius College. Sydney [Kirribilli] - Antique Print Map Room
St. Aloysius College. Sydney [Kirribilli]
Doctor Syntax taking possession of his living. - Antique Print Map Room
Doctor Syntax taking possession of his living.
Doctor Syntax Mistakes a gentleman's house for an inn. - Antique Print Map Room
Doctor Syntax Mistakes a gentleman's house for an inn.