Running Tips with Coach Kelly

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This may contain: two pictures one with an older woman and the other with a younger woman, both saying like i have doubts
What Can You Expect When You Train For A Half Marathon?
Getting ready to train for a half marathon? Here are half marathon tips from Coach Kelly to help you enjoy your training.
This may contain: a woman is running in the street with her arm extended and wearing a headband
What's A "Good" Running Pace?
A good running pace is your running pace. There's no average. There's no better pace or worse pace. Often, we're made to believe that running is just about getting faster. That's not true. Running is so much more than how fast or slow you run. There are plenty of factors that lead runners to think they're "not good enough". From race cutoffs to exclusive running groups, feeling like you belong is often difficult for slower runners. But slower runners are not the problem. The running world is. It's changing (thank god). Slow is strong. Your pace is the best pace.
This may contain: a woman is running on the sidewalk with her hair in a ponytail and text that reads, failure
When Are You Ready To Run A Half Marathon?
When are you ready to run a half marathon? There's no such thing as "ready". Just where you are. Sometimes, half marathon training goes incredibly well and you're able to check all the boxes and put all the coins in the coin jar. Other times, everything that can go wrong goes wrong and you show up unsure of the outcome. But there's no distance you need to hit in training or distance you need to run before you sign up for a half marathon. Ready is subjective and personal.
This may contain: there is a comic strip about what happens in the frying pan
Who Can Run A Half Marathon?
ANYONE can run a half marathon. Here are some tips to help you train for and run a half marathon. (And actually enjoy it.)
This may contain: a woman with her hand up in the air and saying, i'm going to run
How To Choose Which Half Marathon To Run
So you decided you want to run a half marathon, now let's talk about which half marathon to sign up for! Do you want a larger race with lots of crowd support? Are you open to traveling? What is the pace requirements? Are there hills or is it relatively flat? There's lots to consider when choosing a half marathon
This may contain: a woman is running with the caption, prescibe
Why I Don't Think Athletes Should Just Use The Run Walk Method
As a running coach, I am no against the run/walk method. I think it's a fantastic way to help runners chunk a distance and get them through a run or race focused and present. BUT, I think lots of runners only learn how to run by doing set intervals and never get a chance to play with all the other mental tools available to them or see what they're capable of. I leave run/walk intervals as one of many tools I help my athletes utilize but give them time and space to listen and trust their bodies, strength, endurance, and mental tools.
This may contain: a woman holding a tennis racquet next to a jar with coins in it
How To Make Running Easier
When you're running and training for a race, try to focus on everything you do throughout training as putting coins into a coin jar. It's hard to envision the work you're putting in each and every day. But if you can find a physical way to see the coins add up, it makes believing in yourself on race day that much easier.
This may contain: a woman in black shirt and leggings walking on pavement with her hand out
Do runners take walking breaks?
Here's the secret to running-Runners walk. Runners take walking breaks. Looking for more? Come train with me and the Badass Lady Gang. We get everyday runners.