Chicken coop

31 Pins
Coop door gravity-latch complete
Ahh, after a hardware run for some sleeves, nuts, and bolts, followed by some bandsaw work and time on the drill press, I've got a working d...
Peacock coop
I'm getting ready to start build my first peacock coop. Does anyone have any suggestions should...
Le kiosque végétal en osier vivant du parc Alsace à Levallois (92) www.parisc... » All Ideen 2019-2020
willow weaving - dome with log/stump seating » All Ideen 2019-2020
Build a sand-tray for droppings inside the coop. Include a couple perches directly over it for them to sleep on
The Chicken Palace
So...we've been "winterizing" the chicken coop. Perhaps "remodeling" would be more descriptive. Ok, let's be real...our chickens now live ...