Tariq's Pinterest Board

My final bulletin board that represents the significant of Tariq from the novel "A thousands splendid suns" writing an essay explaining the rational behind the images on my board.
12 Pins
This picture shows The Soviet Union in Afghanistan. Taiq practically dislike the Soviet Union. They brought war upon where he lived and basically destroyed homes and lives. The fact that the Soviet Union came in Afghanistan, he was forced to leave Kabul.where his parents died,
This picture shows Tariq personalities. For my this picture is relating how Tariq is caring and loving. Even though he been separated from Laila for a long time, he still finds his way back to her. Despite her from having Zalmai with Rasheed at the end of the day he still loves her and took care of Zalmai, Aziza, and Laila. “I will follow you to the ends of the world.”
This represent bravery of Tariq by him yelling at the tanks. It reminds me in the story when the tanks were entering Kabul and Tariq were yelling at the tanks. Tariq leaned across the frint seat, over the driver, and yelled, "Pajalusta! Pajalusta!" A jeep honked and Tariq whislted back, beaming and waving cheerfully.
This shows Tariq leaving Kabul to Pakistan. This effected his relationship with Laila. By him moving far away from Laila this sadden him and also not knowing what would happen to her by the Taliban being in Kabul. “Of all the hardships a person had to face, none was more punishing than the simple act of waiting.”
It been almost ten years since Laila and Tariq saw each other. By Laila having to marry Rasheed to survive, Tariq stopped Laila in the middle of her discussion saying "You don't have to do this" Tariq understood that Laila had to do whatever to survive, nor did he blame her.But then Laila told him the bigger reason why she didn't want to marry Rasheed, and it was because of his daughter Aziza
As going through a lot during his child hood from an adult, Tariq heart stills to remain strong. From losing his leg and being picked on as a kid he did not let those things slow him down. Also from leaving his lover Laila and getting put in prison for some time, Tariq keep his head up and moved forward with life getting back into Laila's life. Nothing slowed him down
This shows the prison gates of Pakistan. When Tariq was in prison "he befriended an old man named Salim who had connections outside the prison".While Tariq got out prison, Salim gave Tariq his brother address Sayeed. Sayeed gave tariq a jod as a handyman which gave him a new start of life.
Tariq significance is being in Laila life. They grew up together as best friends. Tariq was brave and protected her whenever she was picked on. “Tariq tucked the gun into the waist of his denims. Then he said a thing both lovely and terrible. "For you," he said. "I'd kill with it for you, Laila.”
Tariq as a child "lost his leg by stepping on a land mine." This impacted his life by his neighbors and kids calling him crippled. He grew fond of his prosthetic leg and really didn't care what people thought of him. It became useful to Tariq as he beat up Khadim with his prosthetic leg. “Behind every trial and sorrow that He makes us shoulder, God has a reason.”