
There are many kinds of different braces out there on the market, just like any other dental device that you’d use on somebody. But the most popular brands are, you’ve got the metal braces and you’ve got the ones that are not metal, such as clear plastic or ceramic or porcelain type of braces. And either one will work equally well.
18 Pins
Reasons Your Peoria Braces are Falling off | Aesthetic Dentistry
Common Reasons Your Peoria Braces are Falling off!
What Not To Eat With Braces | Aesthetic Dentistry of Arrowhead
Now that you have braces you’ll have to choose your foods a little more carefully! Learn more about what not to eat with #braces!
Differences of Orthodontics & Aesthetic Dentistry
The Differences of Orthodontics and Aesthetic Dentistry
Glendale Dentist For Braces | Arrowhead AZ Braces Dentist
Experienced pediatric dentist Dr. Greg Ceyhan educates parents on the importance of braces and when they might be needed for their children. #braces #pediatricdentistry #Glendaledentist
Different Parts Of Braces | Aesthetic Dentistry Of Arrowhead
Braces for adults have become a common cosmetic dental procedure in Peoria. Dr. Greg Ceyhan talks about benefits, candidates & improvements #dentist #braces #cosmeticdentistry
Different Types Glendale Braces & Advantages | Aesthetic Dentistry
Are you thinking about straightening your teeth? Learn about the different types of braces in Glendale including metal & ceramic #braces, #Invisalign and #ClearCorrect!
How To Clean and Maintain Your Braces | Aesthetic Dentistry of Arrowhead
▶ How To Clean and Maintain Your Braces - YouTube
Glendale Dentist For Braces | Arrowhead AZ Braces Dentist
Taking good care of your #braces and keeping your mouth clean is your part of the job to achieve the smile you want. Like everything else you do for the first time, brushing and flossing with braces may take a little practice, but soon it will be second nature to you. #dentistry #orthodontics
The Many Options For Straightening Your Teeth | Aesthetic Dentistry of Arrowhead
The Many Options For Straightening Your Teeth #braces #invisalign
Learn About Retainers With Dr Greg Ceyhan | Aesthetic Dentistry of Arrowhead
Learn About #Retainers With Dr Greg Ceyhan
The Many Types of Braces | Aesthetic Dentistry of Arrowhead
The Many Types of #Braces
Straightening Your Teeth With Invisalign | Aesthetic Dentistry of Arrowhead
Straightening Your Teeth With #Invisalign
Invisalign in Glendale AZ | Dr. Greg Ceyhan
There are people who are not candidates for Invisalign. These usually involve more complex cases of trying to straighten the teeth where there’s a severe amount of crowding of the teeth or there’s such a huge misalignment of the upper and lower jaws that their problems are beyond just straightening a few crooked teeth. Usually aligners such as ‪#‎Invisalign‬ or ‪#‎ClearCorrect‬ should be used to really treat minor cases or moderate cases, not severe cases. ‪#‎braces‬ ‪#‎orthodontics‬
Invisalign in Glendale AZ | Dr. Greg Ceyhan
What are the benefits of Invisalign? With Invisalign, adults who want to maintain their mature images don’t have to deal with the embarrassment of metal braces. Another obvious advantage of Invisalign is that the aligners are removable, so patients can take them out to eat, brush, and floss. ‪#‎invisalign‬ ‪#‎braces‬ ‪#‎clearbraces‬ ‪#‎dentist‬