Feeding Therapist Tips

We want to help you understand the benefits of baby led weaning, how to help your selective eater and navigating gagging, food readiness, and how to help your little ones thrive at meal time.
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How to Choose a High Chair with Good Positioning
High chairs that create good positioning for kids can actually help make meal time more succesful. Learn more about why the high chair or booster matters when it comes to eating and mealtime from a feeding therapist as well as our favorite high chair options for babies and toddlers.
How to Teach your Child to Swallow a Pill
Why do some kids need to swallow pills? Some medications only come in pill form or kids may not like/tolerate the liquid or chewable version. Sometimes important medications cannot be crushed or cut. Teaching your child (age 4+) to swallow a pill can be a very helpful skill, especially if they are dealing with a temporary or chronic illness or if they need to take a supplement.
Infant Course with Expert Guidance for Starting Solids
If your baby is around 6 months old and is ready to start solids, check out our infant course covering starting solids and first foods the baby-led weaning way. You'll know when your baby is ready to start solids, how to prepare and serve foods to your baby, choking hazards to avoid or modify, and nutrition information. It's packed full of everything you need to know to feel confident starting solids with real food.
The Importance of Sitting Unassisted Before Starting Solids
Before baby starts solids the baby-led weaning way, we want to see baby sitting unassisted. Tips for helping your baby learn how to sit unassisted are in the full post. Learn more about the importance of sitting unassisted and how it relates to successful mealtimes with baby in the full post as well as tips for helping your baby build those core muscles to sit unassisted.
How to Help your Picky Eater
If you're struggling with a picky eater at home, we can help! Learn more about our toddler and kid course, covering ages 1-10, providing you with all the information and strategies you need to help your picky eater. The course is full of meal and snack ideas for kids, toddler and child nutrition information, picky eating strategies, and how to help your child have a healthy relationship with food.
Best Practices for Spoon Feeding your Baby
If you're starting solids the traditional weaning way with spoon feeding and purees, check out these tips from feeding professionals to help set you and your baby up for success at mealtime. When choosing to do spoon feeding with your baby starting solids, some things can actually lead to picky eating behavior. Learn more about these common pitfalls to avoid when spoon feeding your baby to make mealtime a success as a baby and into toddlerhood.
About Feeding Littles
Want to know more about the faces behind Feeding Littles and all of the content we put out about baby-led weaning, baby starting solids, baby's first foods, picky eating strategies, childhood nutrition? Learn more about Megan and Judy, our feeding professionals that provide proven strategies to help you at mealtime with babies, toddlers, and kids!
New Course for Picky Eaters and Childhood Nutrition
Our new course covering ages 1-10 teaches you everything you need to know about feeding toddlers and kids. We include picky eating strategies, information about childhood nutrition, snack ideas, meal ideas, and so much more. Check out this new self-paced online course for parents to help you feel confident feeding your kids. #feedinglittles #new #course #kids #toddlers #picky
How to Support your Child's Sensory System
Wondering why sensory play is so important and how to help your child's sensory system? Learn more from a feeding therapist about how to help your child with sensory play that can actually help prevent picky eating in toddlerhood and childhood. Follow Feeding Littles for more tips for preventing picky eating.
What to Do if Your Child Only Wants the Food on Your Plate
Have a toddler or young child who wants the food off of your plate and nothing to do with theirs? Check out these tips from feeding professionals on how to have a successful meal time with a child who only wants the food on your plate. Struggling with a picky eater? Follow Feeding Littles for more picky eating strategies for kids. #feedinglittles #picky #toddler #kid #mealtime #food
How to Choose a High Chair for your Baby
Did you know that not all high chairs are supportive for babies and toddlers? Learn more about what you should look for in a high chair or booster seat for your baby or child to support your child and promote a more successful mealtime. Better positioning in a high chair can improve mealtime behavior.
Should your baby be holding their own bottle?
Learn why it's important that your baby be holding their own bottle with supervision from a feeding therapist. Tips on how to help your baby learn to hold their own bottle from a feeding therapist. For more tips on feeding your baby bottles or starting solids, follow Feeding Littles.
How to Teach your Child to Eat Soup
You can start teaching your child to eat soup starting around 6 months when baby starts solids the baby-led weaning way. Use our step by step guide to help your baby learn to eat soup based on age so that your toddler can feel confident eating soup with a spoon. For more tips for feeding your baby and kids, follow Feeding Littles. #feedinglittles #soup #baby #toddler
Top Benefits of Starting Solids the Baby-led Weaning Way
Free printable of the top benefits of starting solids the baby-led weaning way around 6 months with your baby. Benefits of baby-led weaning written by feeding professionals. Learn more about why choosing to start first foods the baby-led weaning way can benefit you and your child. For more infant self-feeding tips, follow Feeding Littles or check out our online course. #feedinglittles #6months #firstfoods #solids #baby