
147 Pins
HOW TO MAKE A BEAUTIFUL SMOCKED SLEEVE. The full video tutorial is available on ZERO11 KLOTHINGS YOUTUBE CHANNEL. #sewingcontentcreator #zero11klothingstutorials #zero11klothings #sewingtutorials #smockedsleeves
अब बहुत ही आसान से बनाये पटियाला सलवार👍patiyala salwar making | salwar for girls ... #salwar #patiyalasalwar #salwarcuttingandstitching #salwarforwomen #salwarforgirls #salwareasycutting #salwarmakingtutorial #instagram #instagramreels #trending #viral #2024trends #diy #instagramviral #sewingtutorial #preeti_stitching_designer #viralreels #explorepage @preeti_stitching.designer
This may contain: a woman is working on a hat with her sewing machine in the back ground behind her
Front and back neck design with lace
#neckline #neckdesign #neckdesignwithlace #sew #sewingtipsandtricks #winterdress #dressdesign #neckpatti #blackdress #fancy#sewingtutorial #sewingtutorialsforbeginners
This contains an image of: Beautiful Dress cutting
Beautiful Dress cutting
This may contain: the pants are yellow with white designs on them and there is a hand reaching for it
Afghani Palazzo | Balloon Salwar | Afghani Salwar
Afghani Salwar | Salwar Design | Afghani Salwar Cutting and Stitching
Faça lindos Laços e Tiaras infantis e fature muito - Passo a passo
Aprenda com Karine Otto a fazer lindas peças de laços e tiaras infantis de luxo e fature com este artesanato. Aulas passo a passo, idéias, materiais e muito mais. CLIQUE no Pin e saiba mais. #laçosetiarasinfantis#laçosdeçuxo#laçosparacabeloinfantil#modelosdelaço#tiarasdeluxo#laçosdecabelo#laçosjuninos2023#tiarasdetecido#laçosdetecido#laçosdecetim#tiarasdecabelo#tiarasfestajunina#comofazerlaçosdecabelo#comofazerlaços#diy#pap