DIY clothes pin ornament ideas

31 Pins
Clothespin angels | Have you crafted with clothes pins? I saw a picture here on FB from Rachael Clark and here’s my version. She turned out glorious and so easy. Happy... | By Made Bayou | Let's make little angels out of close pins. Hi, I'm Billy with Made by You. You need three clothes pins per angel and I broke em in half. I took the little spring out and then I painted them. I I just paint them with chalk paint, front, back, sides, everything. Once they're dry, start assembling. So, two of the clothes pins, you're going to face the the wavy part face in one direction and then two close pins you're going to glue with the flat parts together so this one is the one that's facing in the same direction and they don't they only fit together at the tops. So you glue the tops together. Now these two are the ones that I'm gluing the flat parts together. You'll see what I'm talking about. See what I'm talking about? Their two are going in one direction and you just glue the tops together. Then when you have all of a glue together. You glue all the tops together and you get this sort of fan and it looks like her dress. So that's a good close up if my directions were it's hard to describe guys. But that's a good close up. Now I just used a wood head. You can use any kind of head you want but this wood head it seemed like it was the right size. So I you know put my jute through there. You can use a really narrow pretty ribbon if you want but I used jute and I put it through the top. Tied a knot and then glued it to the base of her like shoulders there. And isn't she looking cute so far? You could paint your angels any color. I just chose white. And now I got a ribbon. Now with this you can use twine, string, anything you want. And I tied a knot at the each end of the ribbon. And this is like a chanel ribbon. I thought it looked angel like. And those are going to be your arms. Now for the wings. You could use anything but I chose to use this cookie sheet from the Dollar Tree and this tile from the Dollar Tree. I wanted to give them some texture. So I traced some wings out with just on a piece of cardstock and then I traced them out on my metal and then I cut them out and then I'm also going to now just test this fitting and now I'm going to glue the paper onto the back of the metal just to give it more stability because both of these materials are kind of thin. Here's the metal pan. I love this the texture of this cookie sheet doing the same thing. Uh I've used this before and I've had comments saying be careful it'll cut you. Well, it will but you know, we're crafters and we're adults and we it's fine. It's going to be fine. So, I glued the paper to the back like I said to give it more stability and then I painted them white. You can paint them with any color. You can cover your paper with felt, with fabric, whatever but this is what I chose to do and now I'm making some crowns. One is a little bit of greenery I put on there and I the greenery off a little bit because it was all on her face. And the other one I just used Jute. So now that the wings are dry I put some dark wax on it. This is by Folk Art just painted it on there and wiped it off. You can paint it but and wipe it off. It just gives it more dimension. All those all that texture just pops out. Don't you love it? And it gives it like a vintage feel also. Now I my gilding wax, my gold gilding wax. You can use rub and buff. And I'm just tapping it to just get a little bit of gold on that angel. I didn't do any gold on her body. I just did the wings. Now I'm gluing the back. My string on the back. That's her arms. Gluing it on first and then I'm going to put the wings on top of that. And she's going to be they're going to be holding something. So now once I have the arms glued on. I'mma glue the wings on. Isn't she turning out so cute? And these are going to be ornaments. And now I have that on there. Now I'm going to one one angel's going to be holding a gold ornament. She's going to get ready to hang it on her tree. And the other one is going to hold a rusty bell and I'm just gluing them on each side of the ribbon to each side of the bell and the ornament. And last thing I'm going to make a face. They don't need a face. But I decided to use a sharpie and just draw a face. Little closed eyes with eyelashes and a little like she's singing. So, that is it. Thanks so much for watching. Enjoy the pictures. Follow along and come back tomorrow for some fun ideas. Spread the love and god bless.
Clothespin angels | Have you crafted with clothes pins? I saw a picture here on FB from Rachael Clark and here’s my version. She turned out glorious and so easy. Happy... | By Made Bayou | Let's make little angels out of close pins. Hi, I'm Billy with Made by You. You need three clothes pins per angel and I broke em in half. I took the little spring out and then I painted them. I I just paint them with chalk paint, front, back, sides, everything. Once they're dry, start assembling. So, two of the clothes pins, you're going to face the the wavy part face in one direction and then two close pins you're going to glue with the flat parts together so this one is the one that's facing in the same direction and they don't they only fit together at the tops. So you glue the tops together. Now the
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Reciclando os molas dos prendedores de roupa.