Roses ❀ White Cream Green Yellow

#white #cream #ivory #gold #green #yellow #roses ~ #Rose #database loosely defined by 6 colour groups. Looking for vigour, disease & pest resistance, repeat flowering and SCENT: sweet, fruity, citrus, musk, myrrh, tea, clove, honeycomb, 'old rose fragrance', banana, licorice, spice, honey, apple, pear, lilac, gardenia, sweet white wine, cinnamon etc. Only named roses here.~
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Lemon Spice, A lovely, very fragrant rose.'Lemon Spice' loves the heat. Long pointed buds open into large, high centered, fully 5" double blooms (petals 25) of bright yellow. The blooms are set against a background of dark leathery green foliage on a continually blooming plant.
'Memoire ' Rose Photo
'Ice Cream' | Hybrid Tea rose. W. Kordes & Sons (Germany, 1992).
Landscape Design & Installation | Garden Supplies
French Lace ~ Floribunda Rose (gorgeous color!)