
13 Pins
This is mostly me. But even though you don't feel the same, and that I know I'm just hurting myself even more; Evan, I don't like you, and you're not my crush; you're the love of my life.❤
Heartfelt Love And Life Quotes: Thank you for loving me..
It’s so easy to love someone when things are perfect and everything’s wonderful. But to love someone when things are difficult, when the...
The Daily Life
Yes! We are put on this earth to serve God, by serving others. Believe me....there is no greater feeling than helping those in need, especially children, the sick and disabled, and/or the elderly. YOU will be the one who will feel blessed!!!
I try to make people feel wanted because i know what it's like to not feel loved and wanted.
I hate how I'm everybody's second choice
I honestly don't feel like I am anybody's first choice. Everyone else has their best friends and i'm just me. Why would I be your first choice?
Sparkle #127: Travel Words To Love - Pumpernickel Pixie
travel, travel words, travel vocabulary, vocab, travel vocab, words, vocabulary, language, solivagant, veni vidi amavi, fernweh, derive, resfeber, flaenur, cynefin, vagary, drapetomania, inspiration, wanderlust, adventure, motivation, traveler, wanderer, pumpernickle pixie
I had to learn to not let people take so much of me that they left me empty. But I cared so much that I couldn't see it. I had to learn the hard way when I finally realized a close friend was using me for her own gain and giving nothing back. Give, care, but dont let others take you for granted or use you. Sometimes we have to put ourselves first for our own physical and mental health.